Welcome to our news and blogs section. Here you’ll find the latest developments and insights from across our longitudinal studies.
Data from the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) Age 51 Sweep are now available to download from the UK Data Service.
Are boys more sensitive to the state of the local job market when choosing their GCSE subjects? And why are migrant and ethnic minority mothers at increased risk of mental ill health? Researchers have been using CLS study data to tackle these and other key questions.
The Centre for Longitudinal Studies last week (July 24-25) hosted a meeting of leading international cohort study teams to share their experiences of surveying children and young people.
New datasets have just been released linking education data, including GCSE exam results, to the records of Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) participants based in England.
CLS will present its latest research on survey methods at the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference this week (15-19 July 2019).
With the 7-Up children returning to our TV screens this week at age 63 (4 June), Professor Alissa Goodman reflects on the importance of the show and the longitudinal studies she manages at CLS.
CLS Director, Professor Alissa Goodman will give the keynote presentation at this public lecture – An uneven playing field: The causes and consequences of social inequalities.
Children who play and listen to music, draw and paint, and read for pleasure tend to have higher levels of self-esteem, new research shows.
Being born early is no barrier to children and adolescents participating in organised sports and playing with friends, according to new research.
At this event, organised by CLOSER, we will present results on the measurement properties of mental health measures, before and after harmonising these so that they can be compared across time and study.
CLS are pleased to be presenting at this CLOSER workshop aimed at lecturers. This free one-day workshop will give an overview of longitudinal data available to lecturers who teach and supervise students in quantitative social science subjects.
Is screen time really behind the rise in teenage mental health problems? How is the ‘sandwich generation’ faring as they care for their ageing parents and their children and grandchildren? Researchers have been using CLS study data to tackle these and other key questions.
Held at the University of Edinburgh, this workshop gave both first-time and more experienced data users an insight into four of the UK’s internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS). The slides from this workshop are available to download from this page.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516
Email: r.bradshaw@ucl.ac.uk