Citing our data

If you use any of our study data in your analyses, you should clearly cite this. To cite the CLS cohort data available at the UK Data Service, please use the citation text that appears on the UK Data Service page of each of our four cohort studies:

This UK Data Service citation tool is designed to make citing data easy and straightforward. You will find it on every catalogue record page.

You should also acknowledge CLS in any published work using data from the one of our cohort studies. An example of an appropriate acknowledgement would be:

“I am grateful to the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS), UCL Social Research Institute, for the use of these data and to the UK Data Service for making them available. However, neither CLS nor the UK Data Service bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretation of these data.”

Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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