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Private school education linked to better midlife health

19 June 2024

People who went to private school are more likely to be a healthy weight and have lower blood pressure in their mid-40s compared to their state school counterparts.


Quitting smoking is more difficult for those who start early

28 May 2024

People who begin smoking by the age of 16, and have experienced a challenging childhood, are more likely to find it harder to give up than those who started smoking later and had not experienced the same problems.


What children write about may predict future mental health

24 May 2024

Children who express positive thoughts and feelings in their creative writing are less likely to show symptoms of depression at the age of 23, according to research led by Chapman University in California.  


Does where you live matter when it comes to applying for university?

23 May 2024

For most young people in England, growing up in the north or south, by the coast or in the city, is less important to their educational progress than their socioeconomic background and whether they come from a deprived neighbourhood.

News, Data release

New data release: Children of the 2020s study, Wave 1

22 April 2024

Data from Wave 1 of Children of the 2020s, the first national longitudinal study of babies to be launched in a generation, are now available.


Young adults taking longer to find work than preceding generation

17 April 2024

The proportion of UK graduates who found work straight out of university fell by nearly 30% between those born in the late 70s to those a decade younger.


UCL and University of Bristol to lead support hub for UK’s longitudinal population studies

27 March 2024

UCL and the University of Bristol are to lead the Population Research UK (PRUK) co-ordination hub, part of an existing strategic investment from the UKRI Infrastructure Fund.


Blog: who is at risk of early menopause?

22 March 2024

The age a woman reaches the menopause is strongly influenced by her genes, but our research suggests that non-genetic factors can also play a role.


Blog: future graduates will pay more in student loan repayments – and the poorest will be worst affected

6 March 2024

Graduates who will be drawn into making repayments under new student loans reforms are more likely to be from marginalised groups or in precarious work, writes Dr Charlotte Booth.


Blog: being excluded or truant from school leads to mental health problems – and vice versa

5 March 2024

New research shows children who struggle with their mental health are more likely to later be excluded from school and to truant. And exclusion and truancy can increase their mental health difficulties.


Body dissatisfaction linked with depression risk in children

15 February 2024

Body dissatisfaction at age 11 is linked to increased risk of depression by age 14, according to new research from the Millennium Cohort Study.


Children of care leavers risk inheriting parents’ emotional scars

7 February 2024

The trauma associated with care experience casts a long shadow on mothers’ mental health and that of their children, finds new UCL research released today (7 February 2024).

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