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Showing 142 results.

Does access to greenspace matter for teens’ sleep?

14 January 2025

Increasing access to parks and gardens may not be enough to help teenagers in urban areas get a healthy amount of sleep.


Baby boomers living longer, but in poorer health than previous generations

7 October 2024

People born in the late 1940s and 1950s in England, the US and Europe are more likely to experience multiple health problems in their later years than their earlier born counterparts.


British adults healthier in midlife than US peers

3 October 2024

Rates of obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are lower among British adults in midlife compared to their counterparts in the US.


A&E waiting times longer for disadvantaged teens

12 July 2024

Young people from more deprived neighbourhoods have to wait up to 15 minutes longer for accident and emergency (A&E) treatment than their more advantaged peers with similar healthcare needs, according to new findings from Next Steps.


Private school education linked to better midlife health

19 June 2024

People who went to private school are more likely to be a healthy weight and have lower blood pressure in their mid-40s compared to their state school counterparts.


Staying social helps people keep physically active in midlife

22 May 2024

People who remain members of clubs and societies throughout their lives tend to have a higher daily step count and exercise more in their mid-40s.


Genetics and social disadvantage both linked with higher body weight

14 July 2022

People with greater genetic risk of weight gain and those from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to be overweight or obese across adulthood, with associations becoming larger from adolescence to midlife, finds a new study led by researchers from the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies.


Women who experience early menopause spend 4 months fewer in work during their early 50s

24 January 2022

The onset of menopause before age 45 reduces months spent in work by 9% – around 4 months’ employment – for women during their early 50s, finds new research by the UCL Social Research Institute.


Low birth weight among IVF children not linked to infertility treatments

7 January 2022

Differences in birth weight and pregnancy term between medically assisted reproduction and naturally conceived children become insignificant once family circumstances are considered, according to new research by the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies and the University of Utah.


People with prior mental ill health hit harder by pandemic disruption

30 September 2021

A new study, based on longitudinal data, has found that people who had higher pre-pandemic levels of depression or anxiety have been more severely affected by disruption to jobs and healthcare during the pandemic.


Research round-up – April to June 2021

24 August 2021

Researchers from around the world have been using CLS study data to tackle important questions. Here is a round-up of nearly 100 new pieces of research that we’ve added to the CLS bibliography between April and June 2021.


Over a third of adults have multiple health problems in midlife

28 July 2021

More than one in three British adults are suffering from two or more chronic health conditions in middle age, such as recurrent back problems, mental ill-health, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high-risk drinking, according to UCL researchers.

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