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Socioeconomic inequalities in health

29 October 2019

This project uses multiple birth cohort studies to better understand socioeconomic inequalities in health, how these have changed across time, and how they may be reduced.


Millennials see diminishing returns to education compared to previous generations, new research finds

29 October 2019

Gaining a degree gives a smaller boost to Millennials’ salaries than it did for members of Generation X 20 years ago, according to a new study.


Research round-up – July to September 2019

10 October 2019

Are boys more sensitive to the state of the local job market when choosing their GCSE subjects? And why are migrant and ethnic minority mothers at increased risk of mental ill health? Researchers have been using CLS study data to tackle these and other key questions.

News, Data release

Data from the first adult biomedical sweep of the 1970 British Cohort Study now available

2 October 2019

New data from the Age 46 Sweep of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) are now available for researchers to download from the UK Data Service.


Older fathers now tend to be healthiest in middle age, research finds

2 October 2019

Over the years, men who waited until their mid-20s to have their first child tended to report the best health in middle age, compared to those who started a family earlier. But, more recently, those who delayed fatherhood until their mid-30s appeared to be the healthiest in midlife.


Smoking in pregnancy not directly linked to children’s later smoking habits, researchers find

25 September 2019

Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are not born predisposed to smoking through absorbing nicotine in the womb, a study has found.


Happy children tend to become happy adults, research finds

20 September 2019

Among the Baby Boomers and Generation X, people who had higher levels of emotional wellbeing during childhood and adolescence were more likely to report being satisfied with life when they reached adulthood.


Inequalities in education and society: The home, the school and the power of reading

22 August 2019

Professor Alice Sullivan gave her inaugural professorial lecture at the UCL Institute of Education earlier this summer, summarising the highlights of her academic career so far. This blog outlines her presentation.


Research round-up – April to June 2019

2 August 2019

Are boys more sensitive to the state of the local job market when choosing their GCSE subjects? And why are migrant and ethnic minority mothers at increased risk of mental ill health? Researchers have been using CLS study data to tackle these and other key questions.


CLS to present latest survey methods research at international conference

15 July 2019

CLS will present its latest research on survey methods at the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference this week (15-19 July 2019).

Introduction to the 1970 British Cohort Study Age 46 Sweep

13 June 2019

The webinar introduction to the BCS70 age 46 data covered: data collection, content and emerging findings.


The UK’s unique scientific versions of the 7-Up series

6 June 2019

With the 7-Up children returning to our TV screens this week at age 63 (4 June), Professor Alissa Goodman reflects on the importance of the show and the longitudinal studies she manages at CLS.

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