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Staying social helps people keep physically active in midlife

22 May 2024

People who remain members of clubs and societies throughout their lives tend to have a higher daily step count and exercise more in their mid-40s.


Poor mental health doubled likelihood of experiencing financial hardship during pandemic

19 January 2023

Up to one in five adults with a history of poor mental health reported they were ‘much worse off’ financially a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to one in ten of those who had never had psychological problems in adulthood.

50 stories

Important discoveries from the 1970 British Cohort Study – Midlife mental health

4 February 2021

The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) has been an important source of evidence on midlife mental health, helping to improve our understanding about why middle age is such a vulnerable period for adults.


Up to a fifth of adults have mental health problems in midlife

21 January 2021

Baby Boomers and Generation X are at the greatest risk of mental ill-health in middle age, finds new research by UCL.

50 stories

Important discoveries from the 1970 British Cohort Study – Working mothers

10 December 2020

The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) has been an important resource for research into the potential impacts on children when mothers return to work.

50 stories

Moving forward in the 1990s – an animated tour

5 November 2020

Celebrating 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study – We’ve navigated through the 1990s, the decade when Cool Britannia was in full swing and BCS70 study members started to forge their own paths in the world. Here’s our animated tour of the decade.

50 stories

1970 British Cohort Study Age 26 Sweep – Views and values

15 October 2020

Celebrating 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study – The Age 26 Sweep was the first adult follow-up of BCS70, and over 9,000 cohort members took part.


Millennials see diminishing returns to education compared to previous generations, new research finds

29 October 2019

Gaining a degree gives a smaller boost to Millennials’ salaries than it did for members of Generation X 20 years ago, according to a new study.


Older fathers now tend to be healthiest in middle age, research finds

2 October 2019

Over the years, men who waited until their mid-20s to have their first child tended to report the best health in middle age, compared to those who started a family earlier. But, more recently, those who delayed fatherhood until their mid-30s appeared to be the healthiest in midlife.


Happy children tend to become happy adults, research finds

20 September 2019

Among the Baby Boomers and Generation X, people who had higher levels of emotional wellbeing during childhood and adolescence were more likely to report being satisfied with life when they reached adulthood.

Harmonising mental health measurements from the British birth cohorts

23 April 2019

At this event, organised by CLOSER, we will present results on the measurement properties of mental health measures, before and after harmonising these so that they can be compared across time and study.

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