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Getting started: An introduction to four British cohort studies

9 October 2022

This webinar gives first-time users an insight into four internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).


State school pupils just as happy with their lives as private school counterparts

7 April 2022

Private school pupils in England do not tend to report better mental health or greater life satisfaction in early adulthood than their state-educated peers.


Introduction to Next Steps: a longitudinal study in England

3 March 2022

This lunchtime webinar on 27 April 2022 gives first-time users and researchers less familiar with Next Steps an insight into this unique cohort of ‘millennials’ in England. Attend for an introduction to the study aims, content and design as well as a helpful look at some of the types of research that can be conducted using the study.

Introduction to Next Steps: a longitudinal study in England

28 February 2022

Watch again: this webinar gives first-time users and researchers less familiar with Next Steps an insight into this unique cohort of ‘millennials’ in England.


First generation female graduates face economic disadvantage, new report shows

15 December 2021

Women who are the first in their family to graduate from university earn 7% less in their mid-20s compared to female graduates whose parents attended university. In contrast, first generation male graduates tend not to face a similar pay penalty.

Discussion event – Widening participation in higher education: longitudinal research on the ‘first in family’ student experience and labour market outcomes

15 November 2021

What can we learn from a quantitative analysis on ‘first in family’ university graduates in the UK in relation to labour market outcomes and widening participation in higher education? On 15 December we were joined by an audience of 100 for  a discussion and presentation of findings from a research programme funded by the Nuffield […]


Getting started: An introduction to four British cohort studies

26 October 2021

This free webinar on 24 November will give first-time users an insight into four internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS). If you are a Masters or PhD student, or a researcher in academia or the third sector new to the birth cohorts, this event will give you an overview of what’s available and how to get started.

Getting started: An introduction to four British cohort studies

25 October 2021

This webinar gives first-time users an insight into four internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).

News, Data release

Linked data on student debt open up new research opportunities

20 October 2021

Researchers tracking the experiences of the millennial generation can now explore a wider range of questions related to the financial costs and benefits of attending university, thanks to newly linked admin and Next Steps survey data.

News, Data release

Over 9,000 Next Steps variables added to the CLOSER Discovery search engine

19 October 2021

Researchers can now search and explore a complete set of variable metadata from all sweeps of Next Steps, the only national longitudinal study tracking the lives of the millennial generation.

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Phone: 020 7612 6516

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Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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