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Being on a zero-hours contract is bad for your health, new study reveals  

5 July 2017

Young adults who are employed on zero-hours contracts are less likely to be in good health, and are at higher risk of poor mental health than workers with stable jobs.


One in four millennials show signs of poor mental health, study finds

28 June 2017

Psychological problems are on the rise for young adults, with greater numbers reporting poor mental health in their mid-twenties than during adolescence.

News, Data release

Next Steps Age 25 data now available

22 June 2017

Now that the participants have turned 25, this new data will allow researchers to explore how their educational choices, family resources and experiences in adolescence have influenced their life chances so far. The data includes extensive information about cohort members’ lives at this pivotal time.


Mothers’ depression more harmful than poverty for children’s mental health, study finds

13 March 2017

Up to 1 in 5 children in the poorest fifth of families display symptoms of mental illness, compared to 1 in 20 children from the richest homes. But according to a new study, mothers’ mental health matters even more.


Mothers’ depression more harmful for children with poor cognitive ability, study finds

9 March 2017

Support for children with emotional and behavioural problems may be more effective if targeted at those with both cognitive difficulties and depressed mothers, new findings suggest.


Risk of suicidal feelings increases three-fold for victims of childhood abuse, study finds

28 February 2017

Children who experience physical or sexual abuse have three times the odds of having suicidal thoughts at age 45, new research shows.


Millennials who chose an apprenticeship over university are just as happy with their lives, study finds

26 January 2017

Twenty-somethings who pursued vocational training rather than university report being just as satisfied with their lives, according to new research


Social inequalities – the report card

11 January 2017

How has the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) aided government understanding of the social inequalities faced by young people today?


Support for mothers with intellectual impairments may benefit children’s wellbeing

20 December 2016

Mums living with intellectual and developmental disabilities tend to live in poverty, have a chaotic home environment and report poorer mental health during their children’s early years.


Hyperactive children at higher risk of psychological distress in adulthood, study shows

5 December 2016

Children who are hyperactive are more likely to report poor mental health when they are adults, according to findings from the National Child Development Study (NCDS).


Bereaved children bottle up their feelings, study says

24 November 2016

Children who lose a parent are less likely to talk about their feelings, according to findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Childhood bullying linked to use of mental health services in later life

23 November 2016

Child victims of bullying become greater users of mental health services in later life, according to findings from the National Child Development Study (NCDS).

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