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Poor mental health is more prevalent among teenage girls from poorer backgrounds, new findings show

19 May 2018

New findings published by CLS during Mental Health Awareness Week have revealed how teenage girls from less well-off families are more likely to experience mental ill-health than their better-off peers.

Inequalities: Evidence from longitudinal studies

1 November 2017

CLOSER’S 2017 conference on inequalities was an opportunity to share ideas and innovations with longitudinal researchers from across disciplines and sectors, both from the UK and abroad.


Baby boomers show deep divisions on the way to retirement

2 August 2017

Substantial numbers of baby boomers, especially lower and middle earners, are expecting to work past state pension age.


Mothers’ depression more harmful than poverty for children’s mental health, study finds

13 March 2017

Up to 1 in 5 children in the poorest fifth of families display symptoms of mental illness, compared to 1 in 20 children from the richest homes. But according to a new study, mothers’ mental health matters even more.


Social inequalities – the report card

11 January 2017

How has the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) aided government understanding of the social inequalities faced by young people today?


Girls from poorer backgrounds more likely to get their period early, study finds

12 October 2016

Girls from the UK’s poorest families tend to start menstruation early, compared to their peers from the richest backgrounds


Multiple household debts harmful for poorer children’s mental health, study finds

10 October 2016

Children in low-income families have poorer mental health if their parents are juggling several creditors, according to research based on the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Evidence from CLS cohort studies underpins Government’s Child Obesity Strategy

18 August 2016

Evidence from the 1958, 1970 and millennium cohort studies has underpinned the Government’s Child Obesity Strategy, released today.


Social disadvantage may prevent boys from escaping child obesity, study finds

4 May 2016

Obese boys from the least advantaged neighbourhoods are significantly less likely to lose weight over the course of primary school than their peers in better-off areas, according to new research.


Poorer children nearly three times as likely to be obese, new study finds

11 December 2015

New findings from the Millennium Cohort Study have questioned why poorer children are at higher risk of obesity compared to their better-off peers.


Children from poorer backgrounds more likely to have mental health problems

13 November 2015

Children whose parents are from poorer backgrounds are more likely to have diagnosable mental health problems, according to new research from the UCL Institute of Education and Centre for Mental Health.

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