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Initial findings from the Millennium Cohort Study Age 11 Sweep

20 November 2014

The fifth MCS survey took place during 2012 when participants were aged 11. Our initial findings from the age 11 survey cover a range of themes, from family structure to child cognitive development.


Why Britain’s sandwich generation feel very tightly squeezed

3 November 2014

Life has never been particularly easy for middle-aged adults who find themselves caring for aged parents and their own children and grandchildren.


Basic skills vital for the home and community as well as the workplace, researchers say

18 June 2014

Current coalition government policies that are designed to improve adults’ literacy and numeracy skills are overly focused on the world of work, according to two leading researchers in this field


Disabled children are more likely to be born into disadvantage, new research suggests

20 November 2013

Children with a disability are more likely to be born into disadvantaged families than their non-disabled peers, according to new findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


CLS to manage national study of young people’s transitions from school to adult life

18 October 2013

A new home has been found for a major longitudinal research project that is following more than 15,700 young people born in 1989-90.

Schooling and unequal outcomes in youth and adulthood

1 October 2013

The main aims of this research project is to repair and enhance the 1986 wave of data from BCS70 and to use the newly enhanced data to conduct a programme of multidisciplinary research.

News, Data release

Age 55 survey of the 1958 National Child Development Study launches

12 September 2013

The age 55 survey of the 1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS) has now begun. Approximately 11,500 cohort members will be invited to take part.


Poorer children are still ‘born to fail’, new report suggests

30 August 2013

The number of children growing up in relative poverty in this country has almost doubled in the last five decades, according to a new report using data from the National Child Development Study (NCDS). The National Children’s Bureau report, Greater Expectations: Raising expectations for our children, compares data on different aspects of children’s lives in the […]


Children who grow up in poverty are more likely to be socially excluded as adults, new research confirms

17 July 2013

Children from economically-deprived families are more likely to be socially excluded as adults, according to new research published by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies.


Grandparents influence where you are on the social ladder

1 July 2013

For the first time, a study using data from the 1946, 1958 and 1970 birth cohort studies has suggested that the position of grandparents in the British class system has a direct effect on which class their grandchildren belong to. It has long been accepted that parents’ social standing has a strong influence on children’s […]


Reading and maths ability at age seven linked to higher income in adulthood

15 May 2013

Children with stronger reading and maths skills at age seven are more likely to earn higher wages in later life, according to new research using data from the 1958 National Child Development Study.


Money worries are keeping us from a good night’s sleep

13 April 2013

Many of us lie in bed counting money rather than sheep, it seems. And it is causing us to lose a huge amount of sleep.

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