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Showing 148 results.

Social inequalities – the report card

11 January 2017

How has the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) aided government understanding of the social inequalities faced by young people today?


Subject choices at GCSE may exacerbate social inequalities, study finds

9 December 2016

Young people from less advantaged homes may limit their options for further education unnecessarily when choosing their GCSE subjects.


Academic success doesn’t guarantee top earnings for fortysomethings, study finds

17 November 2016

Educational achievement may be enough to open the door to high-status occupations, but isn’t sufficient to deliver a top income in early middle age, according to new research from the UCL Institute of Education (IOE).


Careers talks at secondary school linked to higher pay in mid-twenties, study reveals

2 September 2016

Pupils who received career advice from external speakers in their mid-teens went on to enjoy slightly higher wages by the time they reached 26, according to findings from the 1970 British Cohort Study


Boys much more likely to fall behind girls by the time they start school, report shows

24 August 2016

Almost a half of all boys did not reach the expected literacy standard in their reception year at school, according to findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Children with intellectual disabilities more likely to be obese, study finds

15 August 2016

Obesity rates among children with learning difficulties are higher and rise faster than children without these disabilities, according to findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Private school education linked to better health more than 25 years later, study finds

11 May 2016

Private school pupils are more likely than their peers at comprehensives to have a lower body mass index (BMI) by the time they reach their early 40s. They also spend less time watching television and eat fewer take-away meals, according to new research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.


Out of school activities improve children’s educational attainment, study reveals

20 April 2016

Participating in organised sports and joining after school clubs can help to improve primary school children’s academic performance and social skills, new research shows.


Decades of educational expansion ‘had little effect on social mobility’

16 March 2016

The expansion of educational opportunities has not translated into better social mobility chances for those from less well-off families, according to findings from the 1946, 1958 and 1970 British birth cohort studies and Understanding Society.


The Life Project: Helen Pearson’s history of the UK’s birth cohort studies

22 February 2016

Author and journalist Helen Pearson tells the story of the UK birth cohort studies in her new book, The Life Project: The Extraordinary Story of Our Ordinary Lives. The studies, which follow people born in a single point in time throughout their lives, are tracking five generations of Britons, from the post-war baby boomers to […]


UK-wide reading campaign encourages parents in Northern Ireland to join their children at school

3 February 2016

Charities involved in the Read On. Get On. campaign have been working with a Belfast primary school to improve pupils’ reading skills.


Can ‘dreaming big’ help state-educated pupils match private school peers’ wages in early middle age?

12 November 2015

Raising state school children’s aspirations, self-confidence, and improving their access to social networks would do little to counter the huge pay advantages enjoyed by their privately-educated peers, new research shows.

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