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Longitudinal evidence features prominently in Education Select Committee’s investigation into summer-born children

4 March 2015

Should all children be allowed to delay their entry to school, or should that option only be available to those born in the summer?


Internships and other jobs help – what are they worth in the long term?

22 December 2014

It is only natural for parents to want to help their sons and daughters find a good, well-paid job. However, many people now accept that this human instinct can have some negative consequences and make it harder to create a more meritocratic society. Unpaid internships that often lead to lucrative, high-status jobs are a prime, […]


Encouraging young researchers

19 December 2014

How can more young people be encouraged to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and maths?


Grammar schools ‘made it no easier’ to gain elite university degrees, study finds

21 November 2014

Grammar schools have been no more successful than comprehensives at helping to ensure their pupils gain a university degree or graduate from an elite higher education institution, new research suggests


Long-term vocabulary benefits from ‘reading for pleasure’ in childhood

6 November 2014

Reading for pleasure during childhood has a substantial influence on a person’s vocabulary 30 years later.


School can worsen disabled children’s behavioural problems, researchers say

3 October 2014

Much more could be done to help children with physical and learning disabilities cope with the challenges they face on entering school, new research suggests.


Streaming pupils by ability in primary school widens the attainment gap

25 September 2014

The practice of “streaming” children by ability in the early years of primary school is widening the achievement gap between children from better-off homes and those facing disadvantage, according to findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. One in six children in English schools is placed in ability streams – whereby pupils are taught in the […]


School type does not affect children’s ability to succeed, review suggests

27 August 2014

There is no evidence that government investment in particular school structures or types – for example, academies, free schools or faith schools – has been effective in improving the performance of pupils from poor backgrounds, according to a review published today by the Institute of Education (IOE).


Basic skills vital for the home and community as well as the workplace, researchers say

18 June 2014

Current coalition government policies that are designed to improve adults’ literacy and numeracy skills are overly focused on the world of work, according to two leading researchers in this field


Government must set itself more challenging targets on social mobility, new research suggests

23 January 2014

Policymakers must focus on getting disadvantaged pupils’ performance above the average in order to improve social mobility, suggests a new study published by the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London.


One in five able pupils does not apply to university, study finds

31 October 2013

A fifth of pupils who do well in school at age 11 do not go on to university, suggests new research from the Institute of Education, University of London.


CLS to manage national study of young people’s transitions from school to adult life

18 October 2013

A new home has been found for a major longitudinal research project that is following more than 15,700 young people born in 1989-90.

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