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CLS to pilot plans for new national birth cohort study

13 May 2021

The Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) is to launch a new UK-wide study that will test approaches to setting up a full large-scale national birth cohort study in the future. The study team is calling for input from future data users as it develops its plans for the two-year feasibility study.


National study to track the pandemic’s effect on year 11 students’ life chances

23 April 2021

The Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) is part of the team behind a new cohort study of current Year 11 students, which will investigate the educational and employment inequalities brought about by the COVID-19 crisis.


Substance use and depression more closely linked for generation Z teens

23 April 2021

Substance use and antisocial behaviour are more likely to go hand-in-hand with poor mental health for generation Z teens compared to millennial adolescents growing up a decade earlier, finds a new UCL study.

50 stories

1970 British Cohort Study – Life at 51

25 March 2021

From this summer, we hope to start catching up with our BCS70 participants to see how they’re faring in their early 50s.

50 stories

Important discoveries from the 1970 British Cohort Study – COVID-19 survey

18 March 2021

As the pandemic has unfolded we have surveyed participants of five national longitudinal studies, including the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) to track the effects of COVID-19 over time. Here’s a summary of our researchers’ initial findings.

Initial findings from the Millennium Cohort Study Age 17 Sweep

8 March 2021

Our initial findings from the Millennium Cohort Study Age 17 Sweep cover a range of themes, including mental health, obesity, substance use and antisocial behaviours.


Research round-up – October to December 2020

5 March 2021

Researchers from around the world have been using CLS study data to tackle important questions. Here is a round-up over 40 new pieces of research that we’ve added to the CLS bibliography between October and December 2020.


CLS studies part of £18.5m research project to investigate long COVID

18 February 2021

Data collected from CLS’s four cohort studies will be used to help improve the understanding of the risk factors, symptoms and treatment of the long term effects of COVID-19, in a major new research project announced today.

50 stories

Important discoveries from the 1970 British Cohort Study – Midlife mental health

4 February 2021

The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) has been an important source of evidence on midlife mental health, helping to improve our understanding about why middle age is such a vulnerable period for adults.


Wave 3 of COVID-19 survey now underway

2 February 2021

With the whole country in lockdown again, the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) is conducting another web survey of thousands of cohort study participants, to find out how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the lives of different generations of people in the UK.


Up to a fifth of adults have mental health problems in midlife

21 January 2021

Baby Boomers and Generation X are at the greatest risk of mental ill-health in middle age, finds new research by UCL.

News, Data release

CLS opens up access to 1958 birth cohort biomedical data

18 January 2021

The Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) has redeposited data from the 1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS) 2002-2004 Biomedical Sweep, with most data now available to researchers under the UK Data Service’s standard access arrangements (End User Licence) for the first time.

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Media enquiries

Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer

Phone: 020 7612 6516

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Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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