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CLS presents at Parenting UK annual conference

14 November 2012

Dr Liz Jones, Research Officer for the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), will be speaking at the Parenting UK Annual Conference about the effects of prolonged poverty on child outcomes on November 15.


From cradle to career: National Institute Economic Review celebrates cohort studies

2 November 2012

The latest issue of the National Institute Economic Review takes an in-depth look at evidence from the British birth cohort studies, with a special focus on how economic circumstances are transmitted from one generation to the next.


Mothers help to unlock the mystery of why some children behave worse than others

15 October 2012

Why do some children behave badly while others seem almost angelic? Is it nature, or nurture, or a bit of both? The Millennium Cohort Study, which is tracking the development of children born in the UK between 2000 and 2002, is helping to piece together the answer to this remarkably complex problem.


Ethnic minority children read at least as well as white pupils by age 7, study finds

15 October 2012

White children are losing their early lead over ethnic minority youngsters in English language during the first two years of primary school, a UK-wide study has found. By age 7, ethnic minority children read English at least as well as white pupils, say researchers at the Institute of Education, University of London. The best readers, […]


Married couples will be a minority by 2050, report claims

10 October 2012

A new report from the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) claims that married couples will be in the minority by 2050.


Children of unemployed parents struggle at school and in finding work themselves, study finds

9 October 2012

Growing up in a household with unemployed parents can negatively affect young children’s attainment at school and can increase teenagers’ likelihood of not being in education, employment or training (NEET), new research suggests.


Getting CLOSER to cohort studies

1 October 2012

A world-leading initiative which brings together some of the most important studies of people’s lives in the UK, has been launched today by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Medical Research Council (MRC).


What we may be able to learn from young children’s career dreams

14 September 2012

Does it matter whether a seven-year-old wants to be a doctor, a road-sweeper or a fire-eater in a travelling circus?


Persistent poverty damages young children’s cognitive development, study finds

13 June 2012

The corrosive effect of persistent poverty on children’s cognitive development is revealed in a new study published by the Institute of Education, University of London.


Jane Elliott blog: Tracking childhood from the 1960s till today

21 May 2012

Do children’s early life experiences determine their future health, wealth, and happiness? Can the ambitions and aspirations of seven year olds have a major impact on their future career and family life?


New NSPCC briefing paper draws on MCS data

2 May 2012

The challenges facing first-time parents are examined in a new briefing paper from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.


Parliamentary report on social mobility uses evidence from 1958, 1970 and millennium cohort studies

2 May 2012

An all-party parliamentary group has launched a report outlining seven “truths” about social mobility and the challenges they pose for policy-makers.

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