Welcome to our news and blogs section. Here you’ll find the latest developments and insights from across our longitudinal studies.
Data from the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) Age 51 Sweep are now available to download from the UK Data Service.
Among the Baby Boomers and Generation X, people who had higher levels of emotional wellbeing during childhood and adolescence were more likely to report being satisfied with life when they reached adulthood.
At this event, organised by CLOSER, we will present results on the measurement properties of mental health measures, before and after harmonising these so that they can be compared across time and study.
CLS are pleased to be presenting at this CLOSER workshop aimed at lecturers. This free one-day workshop will give an overview of longitudinal data available to lecturers who teach and supervise students in quantitative social science subjects.
Held at the University of Edinburgh, this workshop gave both first-time and more experienced data users an insight into four of the UK’s internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS). The slides from this workshop are available to download from this page.
At this public lecture Professor Alice Sullivan talks about social class and gender differences in educational attainment and social mobility.
Higher education has been less lucrative for women of Generation X than it was for the Baby Boomers, new research reveals.
The latest version of the 1970 British Cohort Study: Activity Histories (1986-2013) has now been released at the UK Data Archive.
The latest version of the British Cohort Study (1970): Partnership Histories (1986-2012) has been released at the UK Data Service.
Educational achievement may be enough to open the door to high-status occupations, but isn’t sufficient to deliver a top income in early middle age, according to new research from the UCL Institute of Education (IOE).
Raising state school children’s aspirations, self-confidence, and improving their access to social networks would do little to counter the huge pay advantages enjoyed by their privately-educated peers, new research shows.
Introducing a Singaporean ‘mastery’ teaching approach in English schools leads to a relatively small but welcome improvement in children’s mathematics skills and offers a potential return on investment, after one year.
Children of obese parents are up to five times more likely to be overweight or obese by the time they reach their forties, new research has found
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516
Email: r.bradshaw@ucl.ac.uk