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Deputy Prime Minister launches new parenting report featuring MCS and BCS70 research

17 January 2011

Nick Clegg today launched a report The Home Front, produced by the think tank Demos, which explores the influences and pressures on today’s families and the interdependent relationships within them, drawing on research based on the Millennium Cohort Study and British Cohort Study 1970.


Preventing poor children becoming poor adults

3 December 2010

A new strategy to meet the Government’s target of abolishing child poverty is detailed in a report that draws heavily on evidence from the Millennium, 1970 and 1958 cohort studies, including specially commissioned analysis.


2,000th publication from birth cohort data

4 November 2010

The total number of published research findings using NCDS, BCS70 or MCS data has this month reached 2,000, with the appearance in the November edition of JCPPAD, of a BCS70-based article showing how risk factors from pregnancy to age 5 are quite strong predictors of conduct problems and crime:


BCS70 2012 Survey: Invitation to participate in consultative process

7 October 2010

In preparation for the ninth wave of the British Cohort Study 1970, which is scheduled to take place in 2012 when the cohort members will be aged 42, there is an open call for experts in relevant fields to advise the CLS team on the content of the 2012 survey.


1970 British Cohort Study 38-year follow-up now available from UK Data Archive

27 August 2010

Data from the latest 1970 British Cohort Study follow-up are now available from the UK Data Archive. The survey was conducted when the cohort members were aged 38 and used a telephone interview for the first time.


Social mobility in England report uses NCDS and BCS70 data

30 April 2010

The Sutton Trust’s latest report into education mobility, an indicator of future social mobility, has found that children’s levels of achievement are more closely linked to their parents’ background in England than in many other developed nations.


Poorer children’s educational attainment

8 April 2010

A report which makes extensive use of CLS data was published at the end of March by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


Economic inequality in the UK

27 January 2010

The National Equality Panel today (27 January) published a major report: An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK.


CLS sets up a new working group for the 2008 fieldwork for NCDS and BCS70

14 September 2006

CLS has set up a new working group to discuss measures of cognition and personality in the next round of NCDS and BCS70 fieldwork


NCDS and BCS70 Consultative Conference

3 July 2006

On Monday 26 June over 50 researchers from both academia and government departments attended the NCDS and BCS70 Consultative Conference to discuss the design and content of the next round of fieldwork, which will take place in 2008.


Press release: Couch potato kids become – and remain – obese adults

2 May 2006

Statistics confirm that children who watch more than two hours of television a day at the weekend risk becoming obese adults. And despite health warnings, the rate of exercise has not increased among adults who are overweight as the result of inactivity.


An “early bird” discount is available for the International Conference on Child Cohort Studies

4 April 2006

Register before 1 July 2006 to qualify for our “early bird” discount for the International Conference on Child Cohort Studies.

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