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Childhood self-control linked to enhanced job prospects in adulthood

7 April 2015

A new cross-cohort study has revealed that parents who work to instil self-control in their children will see them reap the benefits throughout their working life.


Children of obese parents feel the consequences into middle-age

27 March 2015

Children of obese parents are up to five times more likely to be overweight or obese by the time they reach their forties, new research has found


CLS appoints new director and secures funding for 2015-2020

18 March 2015

Professor Alissa Goodman has been appointed director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) at the same time the centre secures £17 million in funding for the years 2015 to 2020.


Middle-aged couch potatoes may be ‘planted’ more than 30 years earlier, study concludes

16 March 2015

Parents should routinely switch off the TV and take young children out for a walk or some other exercise in order to increase their chances of growing up to be fit, healthy adults, new research suggests.


Well-rounded children set for happiest futures

11 March 2015

Children with well-developed social and emotional skills have a better chance of being happy and healthy adults than those who are just bright, a new study reveals today.


Schools and libraries seize on findings of ‘reading for pleasure’ study

5 March 2015

The findings of a remarkable UCL Institute of Education research study are being used to promote reading for pleasure and to help protect school and public library services around the English-speaking world.


Childhood adversity affects physical health in later life, study finds

5 February 2015

Individuals who experience stressful events as children show more signs of physical ‘wear and tear’ by midlife, according to a new study of people born in 1958.


Women much more likely than men to say ‘I’m a believer’, study finds

21 January 2015

Next week another significant step on the road to gender equality will be taken with the consecration of the Rev. Libby Lane as the Bishop of Stockport – the first female bishop to be appointed by the Church of England. But a less talked-about gender divide in religion, which arguably supports the case for more […]


Internships and other jobs help – what are they worth in the long term?

22 December 2014

It is only natural for parents to want to help their sons and daughters find a good, well-paid job. However, many people now accept that this human instinct can have some negative consequences and make it harder to create a more meritocratic society. Unpaid internships that often lead to lucrative, high-status jobs are a prime, […]


Encouraging young researchers

19 December 2014

How can more young people be encouraged to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and maths?


Grammar schools ‘made it no easier’ to gain elite university degrees, study finds

21 November 2014

Grammar schools have been no more successful than comprehensives at helping to ensure their pupils gain a university degree or graduate from an elite higher education institution, new research suggests


Long-term vocabulary benefits from ‘reading for pleasure’ in childhood

6 November 2014

Reading for pleasure during childhood has a substantial influence on a person’s vocabulary 30 years later.

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