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CLS presents at Parenting UK annual conference

14 November 2012

Dr Liz Jones, Research Officer for the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), will be speaking at the Parenting UK Annual Conference about the effects of prolonged poverty on child outcomes on November 15.


Persistent poverty damages young children’s cognitive development, study finds

13 June 2012

The corrosive effect of persistent poverty on children’s cognitive development is revealed in a new study published by the Institute of Education, University of London.


ESRC social mobility briefings draw on evidence from birth cohort studies

21 March 2012

Briefings draw on evidence from cohort studies to show how education, health, parenting and poverty influence social mobility.


More than one in four UK children facing multiple risks to development, study finds

7 February 2012

More than one in four UK youngsters are growing up in families facing multiple challenges such as parental depression and financial hardship that can have a damaging effect on children’s development, new research suggests.


Children living in rural poverty “fare worse in reading”

6 September 2011

Children living in poverty in some rural areas have lower standards of reading than their counterparts in cities, a new analysis of pupil assessments has shown.


Reading to children helps reduce social inequalities

3 June 2011

New research using MCS data suggests that certain factors – such as reading on a daily basis – can help to reduce the impact of these inequalities on cognitive development.


Long-term poverty but not family instability affects children’s cognitive development

21 April 2011

IoE researchers find children from homes that experience persistent poverty are more likely to have their cognitive development affected than their peers in better off homes. However family instability is found to make no additional difference.


Cabinet Office publishes social mobility strategy

6 April 2011

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg yesterday unveiled the coalition Government’s social mobility strategy, which aims to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential regardless of the circumstances of their birth.


Marmot health indicators highlight stark regional differences in children’s development

14 February 2011

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, who last year chaired the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities, which drew on evidence from all three birth cohort studies, has published indicators at local authority level showing marked differences in children’s development between rich and poor areas of England.


Does how you measure income make a difference to measuring poverty?

17 January 2011

A new CLS Working Paper examines the implications different methods of collecting and reporting income may have for measuring poverty, by reference to the Millennium Cohort Study income data.


Preventing poor children becoming poor adults

3 December 2010

A new strategy to meet the Government’s target of abolishing child poverty is detailed in a report that draws heavily on evidence from the Millennium, 1970 and 1958 cohort studies, including specially commissioned analysis.


Most Welsh children get off to healthy start despite relatively high poverty rate

15 October 2010

The Millennium generation of Welsh children may not have had the easiest start in life but most of them appear to be in excellent health and they have many friends, a new report suggests.

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