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Linking cohort study data to administrative records: the challenges of consent and coverage

1 April 2013

Using linked data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), this research project examined patterns of non-consent and non-coverage, and identifies weighting and imputation techniques that can adjust for biases.


CLS tests new methods of collecting DNA samples from children

28 March 2013

New methods of collecting DNA using saliva samples could help enhance cohort datasets with valuable biological information, a new study suggests. Researchers at the Institute of Education‘s Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) and Ipsos MORI tested the viability of collecting saliva from 11-year-olds and their natural mothers and fathers. They found that most children and […]


Mother’s age, education and ethnicity can predict operative birth, study finds

26 March 2013

Social and demographic factors such as mother’s age, education level and ethnicity can predict the likelihood of having an operative birth, according to new research based on the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Dad tends to be taller than mum, study finds

28 January 2013

Height differences between MCS parents suggest women may prefer their men to be taller than them – but not too much taller – according to a new study from Groningen University.


Key policy areas will be affected by the dynamic and volatile nature of UK identities, report finds

22 January 2013

The rapidly-changing nature of identities in the UK will have an important impact on future policies in crime, environment, health, education and skills, social mobility, social integration, and extremism, according to a new report.

Evaluating the impact of nursery attendance on children’s outcomes

1 January 2013

This research project investigated the impact of new childcare policies on children’s cognitive and social development.


Impact of the digital age on social research: CLS shares expertise at SRA Conference 2012

11 December 2012

Social media and web surveys have a valid use in large-scale longitudinal studies, argues Lisa Calderwood, Senior Survey Manager at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).


Children born after infertility treatment more likely to suffer from asthma, study finds

6 December 2012

Babies born after infertility treatment are more likely to have asthma at age five than children conceived naturally, according to findings based on the Millennium Cohort Study.


CLS presents at Parenting UK annual conference

14 November 2012

Dr Liz Jones, Research Officer for the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), will be speaking at the Parenting UK Annual Conference about the effects of prolonged poverty on child outcomes on November 15.


From cradle to career: National Institute Economic Review celebrates cohort studies

2 November 2012

The latest issue of the National Institute Economic Review takes an in-depth look at evidence from the British birth cohort studies, with a special focus on how economic circumstances are transmitted from one generation to the next.


Mothers help to unlock the mystery of why some children behave worse than others

15 October 2012

Why do some children behave badly while others seem almost angelic? Is it nature, or nurture, or a bit of both? The Millennium Cohort Study, which is tracking the development of children born in the UK between 2000 and 2002, is helping to piece together the answer to this remarkably complex problem.


Ethnic minority children read at least as well as white pupils by age 7, study finds

15 October 2012

White children are losing their early lead over ethnic minority youngsters in English language during the first two years of primary school, a UK-wide study has found. By age 7, ethnic minority children read English at least as well as white pupils, say researchers at the Institute of Education, University of London. The best readers, […]

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