Welcome to our news and blogs section. Here you’ll find the latest developments and insights from across our longitudinal studies.
Data from the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) Age 51 Sweep are now available to download from the UK Data Service.
Children are less likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the UK than in the US, according to research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).
Half of all seven-year-olds in the UK are inactive for six to seven hours every day, according to new research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).
Going to bed at different times every night curbs children’s brain power and may affect health in adult life, suggests new research using Millennium Cohort Study data. Researchers at University College London (UCL) looked at whether bedtimes in early childhood were related to brain power in more than 11,000 seven-year-olds. They compared the children’s bedtimes […]
Parents’ qualifications, social class and wellbeing have a bigger effect on their children’s development than poor parenting, according to researchers from the Institute of Education, University of London. A new study based on data from almost 14,000 seven-year-olds included in the Millennium Cohort Study has explored the link between children’s cognitive ability and their social and […]
Light drinking during pregnancy does not affect a child’s behavioural or mental development, according to new research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study
Ability grouping may be intensifying the disadvantages experienced by summer-born children, new research suggests.
Why do some children behave badly while others seem almost angelic? Is it nature, or nurture, or a bit of both? The Millennium Cohort Study, which is tracking the development of children born in the UK between 2000 and 2002, is helping to piece together the answer to this remarkably complex problem.
White children are losing their early lead over ethnic minority youngsters in English language during the first two years of primary school, a UK-wide study has found. By age 7, ethnic minority children read English at least as well as white pupils, say researchers at the Institute of Education, University of London. The best readers, […]
Does it matter whether a seven-year-old wants to be a doctor, a road-sweeper or a fire-eater in a travelling circus?
The corrosive effect of persistent poverty on children’s cognitive development is revealed in a new study published by the Institute of Education, University of London.
The controversial practice of teaching primary pupils in ability ‘streams’ rather than traditional classes is much more prevalent than is generally thought, a new study suggests.
A second edition of the MCS4 User Guide to Initial Findings has been issued which incorporates revisions made to the earlier version of the variable recording child overweight and obesity.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516
Email: r.bradshaw@ucl.ac.uk