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Sikh and Catholic mothers ‘most likely to attend religious services’

16 February 2010

Sikh and Roman Catholic women in the UK are more likely to attend a weekly religious service than women from other major faiths and churches, new research suggests.


Reading to a child at age 3 pays real dividends two years later

16 February 2010

Parents who read to their child every day at age 3 are more likely to see them flourishing in a wide range of subjects during their first year in primary school, a UK-wide study suggests.


Black children at greatest risk of being overweight, study finds

16 February 2010

Black children in the UK are far more likely to be overweight than youngsters from other ethnic groups when they enter primary school, a newly published study suggests.


Press releases based on the second Millennium Cohort Study book

16 February 2010

The following press releases, based on (Hansen, K., Joshi, H. and Dex, S. (2010) Children of the 21st Century (Volume 2): The first five years are now available on the CLS website (


Poor children ‘lag a year behind’

15 February 2010

A report published on 1 February, which makes use of detailed data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), reports that children from the poorest homes are almost a year behind middle class pupils by the time they start school.


NCDS on BBC Radio 4

12 February 2010

On Tuesday 16 February Radio 4 launched a fascinating new five-part series called When I Grow Up.


Major health inequality report draws on CLS studies

12 February 2010

The report Fair Society, Healthy Lives, more generally known as the Marmot Review was published on 11 February as part of the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010, to considerable media attention


Economic inequality in the UK

27 January 2010

The National Equality Panel today (27 January) published a major report: An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK.


Growing Up in Ireland report published

22 January 2010

Ireland’s longitudinal study of children, tracking the lives of over 8,500 nine-year-olds, has published its first major report. Growing Up in Ireland – The lives of 9-year-olds was launched on 7 December 2009 at the Study’s inaugural research conference in Dublin.


CLS attendance at ESRC Pathfinders Workshop, Beijing

7 January 2010

Leading UK social scientists met at Beijing Normal University on 17–18 December 2009 for discussions with Chinese researchers about data resources that underpin social research.


French birth cohort study wins funding

21 December 2009

The Millennium Cohort Study’s ‘sister’ project in France has finally secured funding for the first round of data collection.


Millennium Cohort Study Sweep 3 Scotland Report published

16 December 2009

Focusing on Scottish data, this report, published 15 December 2009 by the Scottish Government, presents findings from the third survey of the UK-wide Millennium Cohort Study (MCS3).

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