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Showing 129 results.

Eliminating sexual violence could reduce teenage mental ill health

5 October 2022

The prevalence of serious mental health problems among 17-year-olds could drop by as much as 16.8% for girls and 8.4% for boys if they were not subjected to sexual violence, such as sexual assault and harassment, according to estimates from UCL researchers.


Association of children conceived via infertility treatments with school and mental health outcomes

28 June 2022

Children conceived through medically assisted reproduction (MAR) fare better at school but are slightly more likely to have mental health problems by their late teens, finds a new study led by researchers at UCL and the University of Helsinki.

News, Data release

Newly available data on childhood mental health of 1958 cohort opens up research opportunities

5 May 2022

Researchers investigating the links between childhood mental health and people’s later outcomes can now access a wealth of new cohort study data.


State school pupils just as happy with their lives as private school counterparts

7 April 2022

Private school pupils in England do not tend to report better mental health or greater life satisfaction in early adulthood than their state-educated peers.


Only children more likely to care for ageing parents, but don’t suffer worse mental health

6 April 2022

Only children can manage the emotional and psychological demands of caring just as well as those who share duties with siblings, according to UCL researchers.


Women who experience early menopause spend 4 months fewer in work during their early 50s

24 January 2022

The onset of menopause before age 45 reduces months spent in work by 9% – around 4 months’ employment – for women during their early 50s, finds new research by the UCL Social Research Institute.


People with prior mental ill health hit harder by pandemic disruption

30 September 2021

A new study, based on longitudinal data, has found that people who had higher pre-pandemic levels of depression or anxiety have been more severely affected by disruption to jobs and healthcare during the pandemic.


National primary school tests have little effect on children’s happiness and wellbeing

24 September 2021

National Curriculum Key Stage 2 tests taken by 10- and 11-year-old children in England to assess progress in English and mathematics do not seem to affect children’s wellbeing, according to new research based on the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


New longitudinal study into the effects of COVID-19 on young people begins

23 September 2021

Tens of thousands of secondary school pupils across England will be invited to take part this week in COSMO – the largest study of its kind into the effects of COVID-19 on a generation of young people.


Research round-up – April to June 2021

24 August 2021

Researchers from around the world have been using CLS study data to tackle important questions. Here is a round-up of nearly 100 new pieces of research that we’ve added to the CLS bibliography between April and June 2021.


Over a third of adults have multiple health problems in midlife

28 July 2021

More than one in three British adults are suffering from two or more chronic health conditions in middle age, such as recurrent back problems, mental ill-health, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high-risk drinking, according to UCL researchers.


One in 11 males have carried or used a weapon at age 17

30 June 2021

At age 17, 9% of males have carried or used a weapon, with one in four of those involved in this form of serious offending reporting they are gang members, according to UCL researchers.

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