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Children’s education crucial for social mobility: new ESRC briefing draws on MCS and BCS70 data

20 June 2011

Parents, the family home, and children’s own attitudes and behaviours could all contribute towards reducing educational inequalities, a recent study shows.


Growing Up in Scotland releases findings on the first five years of life

9 June 2011

A new set of reports from the Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) cohort study describe the realities of life for Scots children today.


One in six UK children being taught in ability streams by age 7, study finds

5 June 2011

The controversial practice of teaching primary pupils in ability ‘streams’ rather than traditional classes is much more prevalent than is generally thought, a new study suggests.


Reading to children helps reduce social inequalities

3 June 2011

New research using MCS data suggests that certain factors – such as reading on a daily basis – can help to reduce the impact of these inequalities on cognitive development.


Breastfed children ‘have fewer behaviour problems at age 5’

10 May 2011

Children who are breastfed for four months or more are less likely to display behaviour problems at age 5, according to a new analysis of Millennium Cohort Study data.


Long-term poverty but not family instability affects children’s cognitive development

21 April 2011

IoE researchers find children from homes that experience persistent poverty are more likely to have their cognitive development affected than their peers in better off homes. However family instability is found to make no additional difference.


Final call for papers, symposia, posters and round tables for upcoming SLLS conference

19 April 2011

Friday April 29, 2011 is the closing date to submit abstracts for papers, symposia, posters and round tables for the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference.


British cohort studies garner attention from world media

12 April 2011

The British cohort studies managed by CLS have attracted a huge amount of attention from the world press over the past week. Research from the National Child Development Study (NCDS) and the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) has been covered by media from as far afield as America, Australia and Pakistan.


Cohort research suggests teenagers who read are more likely to get good jobs

11 April 2011

A new study by Oxford researcher Mark Taylor suggests a strong relationship between reading in your teens and being in a professional or managerial job in your thirties.


Cabinet Office publishes social mobility strategy

6 April 2011

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg yesterday unveiled the coalition Government’s social mobility strategy, which aims to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential regardless of the circumstances of their birth.


Childhood psychological problems have long-term economic and social impact

29 March 2011

Research based on the National Child Development Study has found that psychological problems during childhood are associated by age 50 with significantly lower income, being less conscientious, having a lower likelihood of being married and having less-stable personal relationships.


Young People: Doing and Using Research to Change Schools and Communities

23 March 2011

The London Education Research Unit (LERU) invites you to an Innovative International Conference: ‘Young People: Doing and Using Research to Change Schools and Communities’, 18-19 May 2011′

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