Welcome to our news and blogs section. Here you’ll find the latest developments and insights from across our longitudinal studies.
Data from the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) Age 51 Sweep are now available to download from the UK Data Service.
Breastfeeding not only boosts children’s chances of climbing the social ladder, but it also reduces the chances of downwards mobility, suggests study based on 1958 and 1970 cohort data. The findings are based on changes in the social class of 17,419 members of the 1958 National Child Development Study and 16,771 members of the 1970 […]
Light drinking during pregnancy does not affect a child’s behavioural or mental development, according to new research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study
Many of us lie in bed counting money rather than sheep, it seems. And it is causing us to lose a huge amount of sleep.
New methods of collecting DNA using saliva samples could help enhance cohort datasets with valuable biological information, a new study suggests. Researchers at the Institute of Education‘s Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) and Ipsos MORI tested the viability of collecting saliva from 11-year-olds and their natural mothers and fathers. They found that most children and […]
Social and demographic factors such as mother’s age, education level and ethnicity can predict the likelihood of having an operative birth, according to new research based on the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).
Exercising from a young age improves cognitive function in later life, according to a new study from King’s College London.
Conditions in people’s work environments – including exposure to cleaning products – are linked to one in six cases of adult asthma, a new study has found
The rapidly-changing nature of identities in the UK will have an important impact on future policies in crime, environment, health, education and skills, social mobility, social integration, and extremism, according to a new report.
Babies born after infertility treatment are more likely to have asthma at age five than children conceived naturally, according to findings based on the Millennium Cohort Study.
Briefings draw on evidence from cohort studies to show how education, health, parenting and poverty influence social mobility.
Children born just a few weeks early have a slightly higher risk of health problems in early childhood, new research based on the Millennium Cohort Study suggests.
More than one in four UK youngsters are growing up in families facing multiple challenges such as parental depression and financial hardship that can have a damaging effect on children’s development, new research suggests.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516
Email: r.bradshaw@ucl.ac.uk