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Showing 129 results.

Majority of fathers continue to see their child after separation, study finds

29 June 2015

More than four in five fathers still have contact with their child after they have separated from their partner, according to new research. However, dads who were more involved with parenting before a break-up are more likely to play a bigger role in their child’s future upbringing. The study, conducted by the University of Kent […]


Can’t help falling in love? Why divorce and separation might not be that bad for your health

11 June 2015

Middle-aged men and women who have experienced the upheaval of separation, divorce and remarriage are as healthy as couples in stable marriages, according to a new study.


Childhood self-control linked to enhanced job prospects in adulthood

7 April 2015

A new cross-cohort study has revealed that parents who work to instil self-control in their children will see them reap the benefits throughout their working life.


Children of obese parents feel the consequences into middle-age

27 March 2015

Children of obese parents are up to five times more likely to be overweight or obese by the time they reach their forties, new research has found


Middle-aged couch potatoes may be ‘planted’ more than 30 years earlier, study concludes

16 March 2015

Parents should routinely switch off the TV and take young children out for a walk or some other exercise in order to increase their chances of growing up to be fit, healthy adults, new research suggests.


Schools and libraries seize on findings of ‘reading for pleasure’ study

5 March 2015

The findings of a remarkable UCL Institute of Education research study are being used to promote reading for pleasure and to help protect school and public library services around the English-speaking world.


Encouraging young researchers

19 December 2014

How can more young people be encouraged to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and maths?


21st century childhoods may be very different but they still seem largely enjoyable

28 November 2014

Do children born in the UK at the beginning of the new millennium have some reasons to be cheerful? Yes, it appears that they do.


Why Britain’s sandwich generation feel very tightly squeezed

3 November 2014

Life has never been particularly easy for middle-aged adults who find themselves caring for aged parents and their own children and grandchildren.


Neighbourhood, friends and sibling relationships matter most for children’s happiness, study finds

24 April 2014

Living in a good neighbourhood, having lots of friends and getting on well with brothers and sisters are more important to children’s happiness than growing up in a two-parent home, according to findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. Researchers at NatCen Social Research analysed information on more than 10,000 seven-year-olds born across the UK in […]


National Child Development Study (NCDS) members help researchers to gain deeper insights into community participation and volunteering

18 March 2014

Why do some people become involved in local clubs or volunteer to help in their community while others prefer to stay at home?


Being part of the community is good for mental wellbeing, study finds

12 March 2014

People with a strong sense of neighbourhood belonging have better mental wellbeing, according to new research based on the 1946, 1958 and Hertfordshire cohort studies.

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