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New CLS Working Papers published

2 July 2008

Data from the National Child Development Study have enabled researchers to produce four new studies.


Heather Joshi sets the scene at motherhood conference

2 July 2008

More on Modern Motherhood Conference, held by the Family and Parenting Institute and the Open University


Kohort Summer issue

23 June 2008

New issue of the CLS newsletter published


New European network on child cohort studies inaugurated in Strasbourg

13 June 2008

New network aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between those running and analysing cohort studies of children in different countries.


CLS welcomes applications for PhD Studentship

1 May 2008

The Centre for Longitudinal Studies is advertising a Studentship for a 3-year PhD, which involves analyses of the British Birth Cohorts data in relation to educational achievement in rural and urban areas.

News, Data release

MCS3 data deposited

24 April 2008

The data and documentation from the third sweep of the Millennium Cohort Study have now been deposited in the Data Archive


URGENT – Please let us know if you have publications to update

21 February 2008

If you are using NCDS, BCS70 or MCS data in your research projects, and you have any publications that are not currently listed on our website it would be particularly useful to hear from you immediately. The ESRC needs the best evidence of the usefulness of existing cohorts in the bid they are currently making for Large Facilities funding of cohort studies in the future.


Doctoral Studentships available for 2008

11 February 2008

The Bloomsbury Colleges consortium is offering twelve PhD Studentships, including one position analysing Millennium Cohort Study data. The Studentships start in October 2008, and will cover course fees (at the usual level for UK and EU studentships) and a student stipend.


Scottish goverment publishes analysis of MCS2 findings

31 January 2008

An analysis of the findings relating to Scottish families from the Second Survey of the Millennium Cohort Study has been published by the Scottish Government.


New international children’s cohort network awarded funding

20 December 2007

The European Science Foundation has awarded funding to a joint project which aims to bring together leaders of national and regional children’s cohort studies, including the Millennium Cohort.


New dataset launched by the Longitudinal Studies Centre – Scotland

11 December 2007

A dataset offering a wealth of information on the Scottish population has been created by the Longitudinal Studies Centre – Scotland. The dataset, known as the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS), links together routinely collected administrative data for a 5.3 per cent representative sample of the country’s population (about 270,000 people).


Teaching resources for NCDS and BCS70 now available online

8 November 2007

The initial sets of longitudinal data teaching resources for NCDS and BCS70 are now available on the CLS website.

Contact our communications team

Media enquiries

Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer

Phone: 020 7612 6516

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Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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