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Older people’s quality of life plummets in their final years, but many are still happy, study finds

19 March 2014

Older people’s quality of life begins to drop rapidly in their seventies – and yet most will say they are satisfied with their lives, according to a new study of ageing. Researchers from the Institute of Education, University of London, and the University of Manchester analysed information on more than 10,000 men and women aged […]


National Child Development Study (NCDS) members help researchers to gain deeper insights into community participation and volunteering

18 March 2014

Why do some people become involved in local clubs or volunteer to help in their community while others prefer to stay at home?

News, Data release

Data available from 1970 British Cohort Study age 42 survey

12 March 2014

Data from the age 42 survey of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is now available to download from the UK Data Service.


Being part of the community is good for mental wellbeing, study finds

12 March 2014

People with a strong sense of neighbourhood belonging have better mental wellbeing, according to new research based on the 1946, 1958 and Hertfordshire cohort studies.


Government must set itself more challenging targets on social mobility, new research suggests

23 January 2014

Policymakers must focus on getting disadvantaged pupils’ performance above the average in order to improve social mobility, suggests a new study published by the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London.


New PhD studentship offers opportunity to use data from the Millennium Cohort Study

18 December 2013

The Bloomsbury Colleges consortium is offering a PhD studentship that will explore the relationship between children’s physical activity and mental health using data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


How can we ensure the accuracy of children’s survey responses?

3 December 2013

New research from the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) has tested how children’s responses to surveys are affected by the way the questions are asked.


Disabled children are more likely to be born into disadvantage, new research suggests

20 November 2013

Children with a disability are more likely to be born into disadvantaged families than their non-disabled peers, according to new findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Most 11-year-olds today are happy with their lives

14 November 2013

More than half of children aged 11 say they are ‘completely happy’ with their lives, according to new findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). Researchers analysed information given by more than 13,000 cohort members, who were born across the UK in 2000-2001. In the most recent survey at age 11, the children were asked […]


Middle-aged men have more reason to diet than women do, new study suggests

7 November 2013

Men are significantly more likely than women to be overweight or obese in middle age, according to new research from the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London.


One in five able pupils does not apply to university, study finds

31 October 2013

A fifth of pupils who do well in school at age 11 do not go on to university, suggests new research from the Institute of Education, University of London.


CLS to manage national study of young people’s transitions from school to adult life

18 October 2013

A new home has been found for a major longitudinal research project that is following more than 15,700 young people born in 1989-90.

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