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From cradle to career: National Institute Economic Review celebrates cohort studies

2 November 2012

The latest issue of the National Institute Economic Review takes an in-depth look at evidence from the British birth cohort studies, with a special focus on how economic circumstances are transmitted from one generation to the next.


Most 50-year-olds expect to be happy and healthy in 10 years’ time

3 October 2012

When asked to imagine themselves at age 60, most 50-years-olds from the 1958 birth cohort study were optimistic about what life would be like.


Getting CLOSER to cohort studies

1 October 2012

A world-leading initiative which brings together some of the most important studies of people’s lives in the UK, has been launched today by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Medical Research Council (MRC).


Jane Elliott blog: Tracking childhood from the 1960s till today

21 May 2012

Do children’s early life experiences determine their future health, wealth, and happiness? Can the ambitions and aspirations of seven year olds have a major impact on their future career and family life?


Parliamentary report on social mobility uses evidence from 1958, 1970 and millennium cohort studies

2 May 2012

An all-party parliamentary group has launched a report outlining seven “truths” about social mobility and the challenges they pose for policy-makers.


Childhood cognitive ability connected to long-term sick leave in adulthood

3 April 2012

There is a clear relationship between cognitive ability in childhood and the odds of taking long-term sick leave as an adult, a new study suggests.


ESRC social mobility briefings draw on evidence from birth cohort studies

21 March 2012

Briefings draw on evidence from cohort studies to show how education, health, parenting and poverty influence social mobility.


Risk of downward mobility increasing for less educated

28 September 2011

The risk of slipping down the earnings ladder has increased for the less educated and those living outside London, a new study suggests


Boys with absent fathers become fathers themselves at a young age

7 September 2011

If a boy’s father is absent when he’s a child, he is more likely to become a father himself at a young age, a new study suggests


No move towards ‘meritocracy’ in top jobs for British males

29 June 2011

A new analysis of how people secure professional and managerial careers shows that family background remains just as important as it was three decades ago, relative to educational qualifications.


British cohort studies garner attention from world media

12 April 2011

The British cohort studies managed by CLS have attracted a huge amount of attention from the world press over the past week. Research from the National Child Development Study (NCDS) and the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) has been covered by media from as far afield as America, Australia and Pakistan.


Childhood psychological problems have long-term economic and social impact

29 March 2011

Research based on the National Child Development Study has found that psychological problems during childhood are associated by age 50 with significantly lower income, being less conscientious, having a lower likelihood of being married and having less-stable personal relationships.

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