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Two new professors join CLS

17 September 2007

CLS is delighted to welcome two new colleagues. Professor John McDonald and Professor Robert Michael


Let us know about your publications

10 July 2007

CLS would like to gather information from users of CLS data sets. If you are using NCDS, BCS70 or MCS data in your research projects, please add details of any publications which involve the use of cohort data on the feedback form at


Scots three-year-olds ahead of the rest of the UK

11 June 2007

Scottish children have a wider vocabulary and a better understanding of colours, numbers, sizes and shapes at the age of three than youngsters in the other UK countries.


Parents think Northern Ireland is safest part of UK

11 June 2007

Northern Ireland is the safest and best part of the UK in which to bring up young children, a new study suggests.


Welsh children in bilingual families doing well

11 June 2007

Children in Welsh-English bilingual families appear to be rising to the challenge of mastering two languages before they reach school.


One in four three-year-olds overweight or obese

11 June 2007

Almost one child in four is either overweight or obese at age three, a UK-wide survey has found. The study, the biggest-ever of its kind, measured the height and weight of 14,000 children aged three. Preliminary results reveal that 18 per cent were overweight and a further 5 per cent obese.


Study highlights scale of child poverty challenge

11 June 2007

The scale and complexity of the child poverty challenge facing the Brown Government is highlighted by a new study of more than 15,500 three-year-olds.


Older mothers more likely to instil religious values

11 June 2007

Children born since the turn of the millennium are more likely to grow up believing that religious values are important if they have an older mother, new research suggests.


Disadvantaged children up to a year behind by the age of three

11 June 2007

Many children from disadvantaged backgrounds are already up to a year behind more privileged youngsters educationally by the age of three, a UK-wide study has found.


Memorial Service for Professor Neville Butler

30 May 2007

A memorial service will take place on the afternoon of 9th July.


Generations: A tribute to the Life and Work of Neville Butler

16 May 2007

The charity Youth Support have kindly made Generations available to view on the web.

News, Data release

New data from MCS, BCS and NCDS now available

3 May 2007

New data from MCS, BCS and NCDS is now available from the Economic and Social Data Service.

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Phone: 020 7612 6516

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UCL Social Research Institute

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