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Showing 138 results.

British Medical Journal paper challenges widely-held views on premature babies’ health prospects

2 March 2012

Children born just a few weeks early have a slightly higher risk of health problems in early childhood, new research based on the Millennium Cohort Study suggests.


More than one in four UK children facing multiple risks to development, study finds

7 February 2012

More than one in four UK youngsters are growing up in families facing multiple challenges such as parental depression and financial hardship that can have a damaging effect on children’s development, new research suggests.


Girls at greater risk than boys of being overweight at age 7

7 December 2010

Girls are much more likely than boys to be overweight at age 7, a UK-wide study has found.


Most Welsh children get off to healthy start despite relatively high poverty rate

15 October 2010

The Millennium generation of Welsh children may not have had the easiest start in life but most of them appear to be in excellent health and they have many friends, a new report suggests.


Black children at greatest risk of being overweight, study finds

16 February 2010

Black children in the UK are far more likely to be overweight than youngsters from other ethnic groups when they enter primary school, a newly published study suggests.


Press release: Couch potato kids become – and remain – obese adults

2 May 2006

Statistics confirm that children who watch more than two hours of television a day at the weekend risk becoming obese adults. And despite health warnings, the rate of exercise has not increased among adults who are overweight as the result of inactivity.

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