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Showing 139 results.

Personality traits in teenage years influence smoking habits in later life, research suggests

24 March 2015

Conscientious teenagers are less likely to smoke when they become adults, new research has concluded.


‘Stubborn’ group of underage drinkers buck overall decline in drinking among young people

17 March 2015

New research has found that children from less well-off families in the UK are more likely to experiment with alcohol while still in primary school than youngsters from more advantaged backgrounds.


Middle-aged couch potatoes may be ‘planted’ more than 30 years earlier, study concludes

16 March 2015

Parents should routinely switch off the TV and take young children out for a walk or some other exercise in order to increase their chances of growing up to be fit, healthy adults, new research suggests.


Childhood adversity affects physical health in later life, study finds

5 February 2015

Individuals who experience stressful events as children show more signs of physical ‘wear and tear’ by midlife, according to a new study of people born in 1958.


One in five ‘children of the new century’ obese by age 11

27 November 2014

One in five children born in the UK at the beginning of the new century was obese by the age of 11, a new study shows.


School can worsen disabled children’s behavioural problems, researchers say

3 October 2014

Much more could be done to help children with physical and learning disabilities cope with the challenges they face on entering school, new research suggests.


Children with special educational needs twice as likely to be bullied, study finds

20 June 2014

Primary school pupils with special educational needs are twice as likely as other children to suffer from persistent bullying, according to new research published by the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London.


Disabled children are more likely to be born into disadvantage, new research suggests

20 November 2013

Children with a disability are more likely to be born into disadvantaged families than their non-disabled peers, according to new findings from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Middle-aged men have more reason to diet than women do, new study suggests

7 November 2013

Men are significantly more likely than women to be overweight or obese in middle age, according to new research from the Institute of Education (IOE), University of London.


Childhood adversity linked to higher risk of early death, new findings suggest

2 September 2013

Traumatic childhood experiences are linked to an increased risk of early death, according to new research using data from the 1958 National Child Development Study. Researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, in collaboration with the ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health at University College London, analysed information […]


UK children less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than US youngsters

29 August 2013

Children are less likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the UK than in the US, according to research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).


Half of all UK seven-year-olds do not get enough exercise, research suggests

22 August 2013

Half of all seven-year-olds in the UK are inactive for six to seven hours every day, according to new research using data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).

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