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Selected webinars including our introductions to all four cohort studies can be found on the Training and support page.
You can also find our COVID-19 online training sessions on the COVID-19 survey page.
Use the tool below to search our extensive events archive.
If you need help finding an event, please email our events team.
Drawing on evidence from across the longitudinal studies in CLOSER, and beyond, this workshop discussed the evidence gathered to date on the use of new technologies to measure non-health topics. This workshop was hosted by CLOSER.
CLOSER Discovery is a search engine that allows researchers to explore the content of eight leading UK longitudinal studies. This webinar gave users a full demonstration of the website. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
This webinar introduced the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to both first-time and more experienced users. It focused on the newly-available data from the age 14 survey. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
This webinar is jointly organised by CeLSIUS and the UK Data Service as part of the ESRC-funded data resource’s collaborative webinar series, ESRC data resources: discovering data and how to use it.
Held at the University of Manchester, this workshop gave both first-time and more experienced data users an insight into four of the UK’s internationally-renowned cohort studies run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).
The development of new and innovative methods of disclosure control, or the techniques used to safeguard the confidentiality of information, are vitally important to the current and future management of longitudinal data. This workshop aimed to share information and insight into current innovations within the disclosure control field. This workshop was hosted by CLOSER.
In partnership with the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) hosted a one-day workshop exploring the ways in which data sourced from longitudinal birth cohort studies can be used to inform wellbeing research.
How do the characteristics of our local neighbourhoods effect our socioeconomic chances, health and wellbeing over the course of our lives? This workshop was hosted by CLOSER.
Drawing on evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study, Professor Alice Sullivan explored the positive influence of reading for pleasure on learning during the teenage years and into mid-life.
This session introduced the study to both first-time and more experienced data users of the 1970 British Cohort Study. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
While adult education has a long history in Britain going back to the Workers Education Association of the 19th century, the term ‘lifelong learning’ does not extend much further back than the 1970s. This talk considered the socio-economic and technological changes that lay behind the idea of cradle to grave learning in a global context and the life enhancing benefits to be expected.
Delegates from the scientific community, government departments, members of the third sector and other stakeholders were invited to give their ideas and discuss scientific priorities for the data collection instruments for the Age 60 Survey of the National Child Development Study (NCDS).
Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer
Phone: 020 7911 5320
Email: ioe.clsevents@ucl.ac.uk