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Selected webinars including our introductions to all four cohort studies can be found on the Training and support page.
You can also find our COVID-19 online training sessions on the COVID-19 survey page.
Use the tool below to search our extensive events archive.
If you need help finding an event, please email our events team.
This webinar introduced the 1958 National Child Development Study and the 1970 British Cohort Study to both first-time and more experienced users. It focused particularly on wellbeing measures available in each study. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
The National Child Development Study (NCDS) turned 60 years old in March 2018. We organised a special scientific conference to celebrate this anniversary.
Hosted by the UK Data Service, this event aimed to help introduce researchers to the new sources of data are that are available for social sciences research in the UK.
To coincide with the release of the National Child Development Study’s Age 11 essays, CLS hosted a special tutorial on automated content analysis to help enable researchers to make the most of this new data. The session covered the fundamentals of using the Differential Language Analysis Toolkit (DLATK) and was led by H. Andrew Schwartz (Stony Brook University).
CLOSER Discovery is a search engine that allows researchers to explore the content of nine leading UK longitudinal studies. This webinar introduced users to the website and explored the latest content and features. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
As part of this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science, this breakfast seminar presented the most recent findings on the state of mental health and wellbeing among two important generations of Britons: those born in 2000-01, and 1989-90.
CLOSER’S 2017 conference on inequalities was an opportunity to share ideas and innovations with longitudinal researchers from across disciplines and sectors, both from the UK and abroad.
The British Academy hosted a round table to provide a focused forum for discussion about the future of the UK’s national birth cohort studies, in the context of the ESRC’s review of longitudinal studies.
Combining objective measurements of biomarkers with self-reported information about lifestyles and behaviour in longitudinal studies offers enormous research potential. This workshop comprised presentations from a range of UK longitudinal studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches they’ve used. This workshop was hosted by CLOSER.
This webinar introduced Next Steps (formerly the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England) to both first-time and more experienced users. It focused on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. A recording of the webinar is available to view on the event page.
As part of the UCL Festival of Culture, Professor Alice Sullivan drew on evidence from BCS70 to explore the positive influence of reading for pleasure on learning during the teenage years and into mid-life.
Measuring health-related data in longitudinal studies can be a difficult task. This full-day workshop explored and discussed the use of these new technologies and methods for capturing health-related data in longitudinal studies. The workshop was hosted by CLOSER.
Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer
Phone: 020 7911 5320
Email: ioe.clsevents@ucl.ac.uk