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Lucinda Platt joins CLS

27 January 2011

Professor Lucinda Platt has just joined CLS as the new Principal Investigator (PI) of the Millennium Cohort Study. She is taking over from Heather Joshi who has been Director of the study since its inception. She will pick up work on the fifth survey of the children and their parents, which will take place when they are aged 11 in 2012.


The Centre for Longitudinal Studies is now on Twitter!

26 January 2011

The Centre for Longitudinal Studies is now on Twitter! For up to date information on CLS news, events, press coverage on the National Child Development Study, British Cohort Study and Millennium Cohort Study plus other updates from the world of social science please follow us here If you do not have a Twitter account you can join free by visiting


MCS meets sister surveys in Europe

24 January 2011

Professor Heather Joshi and Lisa Calderwood are sharing expertise and experience from the Millennium Cohort Study with the German and French cohort studies.


Deputy Prime Minister launches new parenting report featuring MCS and BCS70 research

17 January 2011

Nick Clegg today launched a report The Home Front, produced by the think tank Demos, which explores the influences and pressures on today’s families and the interdependent relationships within them, drawing on research based on the Millennium Cohort Study and British Cohort Study 1970.


Does how you measure income make a difference to measuring poverty?

17 January 2011

A new CLS Working Paper examines the implications different methods of collecting and reporting income may have for measuring poverty, by reference to the Millennium Cohort Study income data.


Early Environments and Child Outcomes

10 January 2011

Bristol University Centre for Market and Public Organisation have produced a report based on the Millennium Cohort Study, which provides valuable supporting evidence to the Government-commissioned Independent Review on Poverty and Life Chances.


Parental factors associated with walking to school and participating in organised physical activities

10 January 2011

Research based on the Millennium Cohort Study looks at how much a child’s physical activity can be predicted by parental income and education, health behaviours and parents playing with them.


Edith Dominian Memorial Lecture

21 December 2010

The Millennium Cohort Study features in the Edith Dominian Memorial Lecture 2006.


BCS70 Consultative Conference – The Age 42 survey

17 December 2010

CLS held a successful conference on 10th December 2010 at which around 50 delegates including members of the scientific comminity, government policy-makeers and other stakeholders met to discuss the questionaire content for the next follow-up of the 1970 British Cohort Study which will take place in 2012 when study members are aged 42.


Millennium Cohort Study Fourth Survey: User’s Guide to Initial Findings 2nd edition now out

15 December 2010

A second edition of the MCS4 User Guide to Initial Findings has been issued which incorporates revisions made to the earlier version of the variable recording child overweight and obesity.


Half of all parents likely to split up before their children reach 16

8 December 2010

Research based partly on the Millennium Cohort Study highlights the rise in family breakdowns and attributes this more to cohabiting relationships ending, than marriages ending in divorce.


Improving parenting will not be enough to level school playing field, study says

7 December 2010

Children’s different rates of progress in their first two years at school are still largely driven by their parents’ social class, a UK-wide study has concluded

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