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Past webinars and training events

Selected webinars including our introductions to all four cohort studies can be found on the Training and support page.

You can also find our COVID-19 online training sessions on the COVID-19 survey page.

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3 Dec 2020

The Age 17 Sweep – Millennium Cohort Study Webinar

Data from the age 17 Sweep of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) are now available to download from the UK Data Service. This introductory webinar looked at what was new in the this survey. Our researchers answered questions from data users.  

Location: Online
Public lecture
9 Nov 2020

‘Data, Science and Policy’ – 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study

As part of our celebration of 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70), we hosted a live panel that looked at the huge impact of the study on policy in the UK. From social mobility to adult numeracy and health outcomes, how has it influenced policy-makers now and how can it contribute in […]

Location: Online
22-23 Oct 2020

COVID-19 Data Dive: Exploring the social and economic impacts of the pandemic

CLS is delighted to support this innovative event hosted by the UK Data Service. The challenge What do we know and what do we still need to ask about COVID-19 and its social and economic impacts on society using data such as the CLS national longitudinal cohort studies and the Understanding Society UK Household Longitudinal […]

Location: Free to attend on Zoom and Miro collaboration platform
6 Aug 2020

CLS COVID-19 survey online training session

In August 2020 we ran an online training session to support researchers wishing to use data from our recent COVID-19 survey. In May we carried out a wave 1 (of 3) survey of over 18,000 participants (aged between 19 and 74) of five nationally representative longitudinal cohort studies based at UCL. Researchers now have access […]

Location: Online
18 May 2020

Postponed: Handling missing data in the British cohort studies

Attendees will learn why principled methods of missing data handling are usually required to obtain unbiased estimates in long-running cohort studies, learn how to undertake such analyses, and gain practical experience of doing so themselves using Stata, with a focus on multiple imputation. The National Child Development Study (NCDS) will be used throughout as a case study.

Location: UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
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14 Jan 2020

Next Steps Age 31 Scientific Consultative Conference

CLS seeked input on the scientific content of the Age 31 sweep. The aim of this open consultation was to help ensure that the data collected at age 31 is high quality and addresses key research and policy questions.

Location: Friends House
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27 Jan 2020

Handling missing data in the British cohort studies

Attendees will learn why principled methods of missing data handling are usually required to obtain unbiased estimates in long-running cohort studies, learn how to undertake such analyses, and gain practical experience of doing so themselves using Stata, with a focus on multiple imputation. The National Child Development Study (NCDS) will be used throughout as a case study.

Location: UCL Institute of Education (IOE)
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11 Jul 2019

Introduction to the 1970 British Cohort Study Age 46 Sweep

The webinar introduction to the BCS70 age 46 data covered: data collection, content and emerging findings.

Location: Online
13 Jun 2019

Sir Roger Jowell Memorial Lecture 2019 – Keynote speaker – Professor Alissa Goodman

CLS Director, Professor Alissa Goodman will give the keynote presentation at this public lecture – An uneven playing field: The causes and consequences of social inequalities.

Location: Oliver Thompson Theatre, Tait Building, City University, Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB
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29 May 2019

Harmonising mental health measurements from the British birth cohorts

At this event, organised by CLOSER, we will present results on the measurement properties of mental health measures, before and after harmonising these so that they can be compared across time and study.

Location: Friends House, Euston Road, London
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22 May 2019

Train the trainer: a workshop to explore longitudinal data to inform your teaching in quantitative social science subjects

CLS are pleased to be presenting at this CLOSER workshop aimed at lecturers. This free one-day workshop will give an overview of longitudinal data available to lecturers who teach and supervise students in quantitative social science subjects.

Location: Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London
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Contact our Communications Team

Event enquiries

Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer

Phone: 020 7911 5320

Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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