On this page you can find out what events we have coming up and book your place. To hear about future training, please join our mailing list.
Selected webinars including our introductions to all four cohort studies can be found on the Training and support page.
You can also find our COVID-19 online training sessions on the COVID-19 survey page.
Use the tool below to search our extensive events archive.
If you need help finding an event, please email our events team.
In this live webinar, explore the new data available from Next Steps, learn why this national cohort study of millennials is such a valuable research resource and discover some of the first findings at age 32.
This webinar will help researchers think about the possible consequences of mode effects in their research and describe methods for handling these in practice.
New to the CLS cohort studies? This webinar will give you an overview of four internationally renowned national cohort studies and the wide range of opportunities they offer to researchers.
This webinar highlights some examples of research on families and relationships using CLS’ unique series of UK national cohort studies.
Less than a week after the general election CLS hosted an event presenting the evidence on generational health drift. The event focused on data from the CLS cohorts, which provide a powerful tool to understand generational changes in health as well as inequalities in health.
This workshop introduces participants to linking small-area level data on the local physical (air quality, greenspace etc) and social (access to services, deprivation) environment to cohort and administrative data.
This webinar provides guidance on how to handle missing data in the 1970 British Cohort Study.
Comparative research initiatives are increasingly prominent components of health and social sciences, yet they require more specialised methods. This webinar discusses the challenges of cross-study comparative research and possible solutions.
This webinar will highlight the genetic and epigenetic data available in our studies, and how to access them.
This webinar describes data on ageing and key life-course transitions using CLS cohort studies, and highlights future research opportunities.
This 90-minute session gives first-time users an overview of the 1958, 1970, Next Steps and millennium cohort studies – unique data resources available for researchers across the biomedical and social sciences.
An overview of the tools and strategies available to manage and visualise longitudinal cohort studies.
Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer
Phone: 020 7911 5320
Email: ioe.clsevents@ucl.ac.uk