The Age 25 sweep was the first in five years, and represented a major relaunch for the study under the management of CLS for the first time.
The aim of the sweep was to increase our understanding of the lives of young adults growing up today, and in particular transitions out of education and into early adult life.
The content of the questionnaire was broadened to cover a range of different disciplinary areas, providing greater comparability with the other CLS cohort studies and a baseline for the study of later life outcomes, as well as maintaining comparability with previous waves of Next Steps in key areas.
Cohort members answered questions about their education and job training, employment and economic circumstances, housing and family life, physical and emotional health, and risky behaviours.
A wide range of administrative data linkage consents were also collected covering health, education, economics and criminal behaviour.
Data was collected from the cohort member only, using a sequential mixed mode approach where participants were first invited to take part on the web, followed by telephone and then face-to-face.
Extensive efforts were made to maximise the size and representativeness of the sample through attempting to trace and contact everyone who had ever taken part in the study. A wide range of best practice strategies were employed including extensive tracing through administrative records and the use of a monetary incentive conditional on participation.