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Cohabitation, marriage and child outcomes study uses MCS data

23 April 2010

A new study, published this week by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, concludes that young children’s cognitive or social and emotional development does not appear to be significantly affected by the formal marital status of their parents.


Sir Michael Rutter delivers second Neville Butler Memorial Lecture

13 April 2010

Sir Michael Rutter delivered the second Neville Butler Memorial Lecture, about the power and potential of longitudinal research, at the Institute of Education, London, on 31 March.


Poorer children’s educational attainment

8 April 2010

A report which makes extensive use of CLS data was published at the end of March by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


New director takes over at Centre for Longitudinal Studies

30 March 2010

Professor Jane Elliott is to take over as director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, which houses three of Britain’s internationally-renowned birth cohort studies. She will succeed Professor Heather Joshi, who is stepping down after seven years in the post.


SLLS elects first President

30 March 2010

The Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS) has elected Professor Heather Joshi of CLS as its first President.

News, Data release

NCDS8 data now available from UK Data Archive

29 March 2010

The first deposit of data from the 8th follow-up of the National Child Development Study, which took place in 2008/9 when cohort members were 50 years old, is now available from the UK Data Archive.


ESRC Social Science Week – CLS organise workshops with local schoolchildren

23 March 2010

CLS organised four workshops in local schools last week as part of ESRC’s Social Science Week.


Women’s memory better than men’s at age 50

12 March 2010

A study involving more than 9,600 middle-aged men and women in England, Scotland and Wales has found that women outscored men in two verbal memory tests. Participants in the first test listened to 10 common words being read out and were then given two minutes to recall as many as possible. The second test required them to list the same 10 words about five minutes later.


Researchers using data from the birth cohort studies (NCDS, BCS70 and MCS)

2 March 2010

CLS would be grateful if anyone who is carrying out research using data from any of the three birth cohort studies could remember to notify us of all resultant publications.


Underclass of pre-school children emerging, study says

2 March 2010

A new study by think tank Demos, which draws on data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), blames a lack of spending at pre-school level for educational disengagement in children under four.


Fewer parents gaining ‘first choice’ primary schools than statistics suggest

17 February 2010

Fewer parents are managing to enrol children in their true ‘first choice’ primary schools than is generally thought, says a new study.


Simple tests in babyhood ‘could point to children who need help with learning’

17 February 2010

Screening tests that monitor babies’ motor development could prove crucial in helping to identify children who will need learning support in their pre-school years, says a book published today.

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