Welcome to our news and blogs section. Here you’ll find the latest developments and insights from across our longitudinal studies.
Increasing access to parks and gardens may not be enough to help teenagers in urban areas get a healthy amount of sleep.
Sarab is responsible for the data management of survey research data within CLS and works mainly on the Next Steps cohort study.
Andrew is the Data Manager for the 1970 British Cohort Study, supporting data collection throughout fieldwork, and preparing research data for deposit. He is also responsible for linked education, and legacy data within the data management team. Previously Andrew oversaw the deposit of all three waves of the Covid-19 survey for NCDS, BCS70, Next Steps […]
Peter joined CLS in July 2001. He works as part of the specialist Cohort Maintenance Team responsible for maintaining the address information that is essential for maximising responses to surveys of the CLS cohorts. Peter’s responsibilities include tracing Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) members who have moved, using a variety of specialist and publicly available sources […]
Mary works primarily on 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) as first point of contact for cohort members.
David is an epidemiologist with broad interests in population health. David was previously Co-Investigator of the 1958 British birth cohort study (National Child Development Study), and is now strategic lead of social science genetics at CLS. He has responsibility for scientific aspects of genetic-related work at CLS (including data management, storage, access systems, research and […]
Ryan is Senior Communications Officer for CLS. His role includes media relations, writing press releases, writing and editing publications such as research briefing papers and web content, managing online media and organising events and training.
Benedetta worked as a Research Associate for CLS from 2016-2018. During her time here, she undertook methodological research on the different British cohort studies and investigated the determinants of healthy behaviours and lifestyles, and the intergenerational transmission of social capital and economic status. Benedetta has a PhD in epidemiology and population health from the London […]
George is Professor of Population Health and Statistics at the UCL Social Research Institute and currently holds the posts of Principal Investigator of the National Child Development Study and 1970 British Cohort Study at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies. Prior to joining UCL he held posts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine […]
Aase’s role involves analysis of data from the Millennium Cohort Study. She is especially interested in family and parental influences on longitudinal child psychopathology.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516
Email: r.bradshaw@ucl.ac.uk