This project examines ‘First in family’ students in higher education, whose parents did not attend university and obtain a degree. We compare their choices, their trajectories and their labour market outcomes.
Project title | ‘First in family’, higher education choices and labour market outcomes |
Principal Investigator | Dr Morag Henderson |
Themes | Applied statistical methods |
Dates | October 2018 – December 2021 |
Funder | Nuffield Foundation – visit the project page on the Nuffield Foundation website. |
Summary |
In this film the project’s research team discuss their research findings, explaining how ‘first in family’ students navigate the higher education system and labour market compared to those who have graduate parents.
Phone: 020 7911 5566
Dr Henderson’s main area of research is inequalities across the life course. More specifically she examines patterns in educational attainment, bullying and wellbeing.
Morag oversees all aspects of CLS’s work on Next Steps, and leads on the strategic and scientific direction of the study.
Dr Shure is an economist interested in education and the labour market. Her current work examines the linkages between socioeconomic status and gender and participation in higher education, those who are ‘first in the family’ to attend university, education policy and maternal labour supply, non-cognitive peer effects, international comparisons of educational outcomes, and the returns to early education.
Dr Adamecz-Volgyi is a labour economist interested in education, fertility and labour market policy. She work on the project ‘First in Family’, higher education choices and labour market outcomes that looks at young people going to university for the first time in their families.