Briefings and impact

Our briefings and impact library includes summaries of our research findings as well as reports highlighting the impact of our cohort studies.

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Lifetime poverty and attitudes to retirement among a cohort born in 1958 – key findings

New CLS research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, shows the generation born in the later 1950s to be divided in their prospects for later life, with a majority expecting to keep on working into their 60s. This document summarises the key findings of the full report.

Author: Alissa Goodman
Date published: 2 August 2017

Webinar: Introduction to Next Steps and the Age 25 Survey – Survey Content

This webinar introduced the Next Steps to both first-time and more experienced users, focusing on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. Darina Peycheva, Survey Manager for Next Steps at CLS led this session which detailed the content of the Age 25 Survey.

Date published: 1 August 2017

Webinar: Introduction to Next Steps and the Age 25 Survey – Data, documentation & accessing the data

This webinar introduced the Next Steps to both first-time and more experienced users, focusing on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. Sarab Rihal, Data Officer at CLS led this session which gave an overview of the survey data, documentation and how to access the data.

Date published: 1 August 2017

Webinar: Introduction to Next Steps and the Age 25 Survey – Overview

This webinar introduced the Next Steps to both first-time and more experienced users, focusing on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. Dr Lisa Calderwood, Principal Investigator of Next Steps and Senior Survey Manager at CLS led this session which gave an overview of the study.

Date published: 1 August 2017

Webinar: Introduction to Next Steps and the Age 25 Survey – Survey design and weights

This webinar introduced the Next Steps to both first-time and more experienced users, focusing on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. Dr Morag Henderson, Co-Investigator for Next Steps at CLS led this session which covered the survey design and weights.

Date published: 1 August 2017
Briefing papers

Next Steps Age 25 initial findings – Economic activity and health

This briefing paper summarises 25-year-olds’ experience with the labour market. More specifically, it explores the nature of the cohort members’ current jobs, and the proportion of shift workers, zero-hours contract workers, and unemployed. It also examines the links between labour market relations and self-assessed general health and mental ill health.

Date published: 5 July 2017
Briefing papers

Next Steps Age 25 initial findings – Politics, perceptions and identity

This briefing paper summarises 25-year-olds’ experiences of adulthood, political interest and perception of opportunities. It describes the proportion who have an interest in politics, and their perceptions of the rewards for hard work and whether they have more or less opportunity than previous generations. It also covers whether this generation feels they have control over their lives, and whether, at age 25, they feel like adults.

Date published: 30 June 2017
Briefing papers

Next Steps Age 25 initial findings – Mental health

This briefing paper summarises the experiences of mental health problems among the Next Steps cohort at age 25. It explores the prevalence of probable mental ill health at this age, and the risk factors associated with probable psychological disturbance.

Date published: 28 June 2017
Briefing papers

Next Steps Age 25 initial findings – The role of diet and exercise on weight and health

This briefing paper summarises the effects of diet and exercise on weight and general health at age 25. It explores the prevalence and risks for overweight, obesity and general health at this age.

Date published: 27 June 2017

Millennium Cohort Study – The importance of early years and adolescence to later outcomes

Find out more about the Millennium Cohort Study in this interview with its Principal Investigator, Emla Fitzsimons.

Date published: 31 May 2017

1970 British Cohort Study introductory webinar

The latest webinar included an introduction to the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70); how to access the data; documentation available; about the BCS70 sample, including issues of non-response and attrition; as well as what’s new and upcoming.

Date published: 12 October 2016

Children’s mental wellbeing and ill-health: not two sides of the same coin

In this infographic Dr Praveetha Patalay examined the factors that influence children’s mental illness and wellbeing using the Millennium Cohort Study. For more information read Dr Patalay’s blogpost.

Date published: 10 October 2016
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