Briefings and impact

Our briefings and impact library includes summaries of our research findings as well as reports highlighting the impact of our cohort studies.

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Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 8: Parental health and wellbeing

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on parental health and wellbeing. The report considers the self-related health, longstanding illnesses, cigarette smoking, alcohol and recreational drug use, psychological morbidity, life satisfaction, and height and weight of the cohort members’ parents in relation to their age, country or residence, ethnicity, occupation, educational qualifications, family structure and employment status.

Date published: 8 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 7: Child behaviour

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on child behaviour and covers topics such as why and how behaviour is measured, and how behaviour scores vary between children. This paper also relates the behavioural adjustment of the three-year-olds to different demographic and family background characteristics and their own development at nine months to see if early outcomes are differentially related to these factors.

Date published: 7 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 6: Child Health

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on child health and covers topics such as general health and wellbeing, disability, asthma and acute illness, infections, injuries and immunisation.

Date published: 6 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 5: Parenting

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on parenting and covers topics such as parents’ time with child, family activities, parents’ rules, parenting style, parenting competence, regular bedtimes and mealtimes, and parenting beliefs and values.

Date published: 5 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 4: Grandparents

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on grandparents and covers areas such as cohort members’ surviving grandparents, childcare and financial support, influence of grandparent carers, and grandparent characteristics.

Date published: 4 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 3: Family Demographics

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on family demographics, providing information on the number of parents in the home at the first and second sweeps, parents living elsewhere, whether couples were married and whether the child had siblings or grandparents living at home.

Date published: 3 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 2: Community

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on community and looks at the association of mobility with socio-economic and socio-demographic factors, and the respondents’ views about their local area.

Date published: 2 June 2007
Briefing papers

Millennium Cohort Study Age 3 Briefing 1: Cognitive Development

This briefing is one of 12 that distil the key findings of the first two surveys of the Millennium Cohort Study, as collected in Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User’s Guide to Initial Findings.

This briefing focuses on childhood development and examines the results of two cognitive skills assesments measured in the Age 3 sweep. These were the Naming Vocabulary Subtest of the British Ability Scales (BAS) and the School Readiness Composite (SRC) of the Revised Bracken Basic Concept Scale.

Date published: 1 June 2007
Briefing papers

CLS Briefings – The intergenerational transmission of disadvantage and advantage

This briefing paper provides examples of research from the 1958 National Child Development Study and 1970 British Cohort Study to illustrate how multiple disadvantage and advantage are transmitted through the generations.

In addition to research around the social exclusion agenda that was the driving force of Labour’s Sure Start programme for pre-school children of deprived families, the paper considers the characteristics of children from poor backgrounds who go on to escape disadvantage in adulthood.

Date published: 1 February 2007
Briefing papers

CLS Briefings – Drinking and smoking

This briefing paper provides an overview of research findings on drinking and smoking from the 1958 National Child Development Study, 1970 British Cohort Study and the Millennium Cohort Study.

Date published: 1 February 2007
Briefing papers

CLS Briefings – The returns to education

This briefing paper illustrates several ways in which educational data from the 1958 National Child Development Study and 1970 British Cohort Study have been used for investigating the returns to education.

Date published: 1 June 2006
Briefing papers

CLS Briefings – Obesity, diet and exercise

This briefing paper looks at obesity and the dietary and exercise habits on cohort members from the 1958 National Child Development Study, the 1970 British Cohort Study and the Millennium Cohort Study.

It covers topics such as body mass index (BMI), education, diet and physical activity, and the consequences of obesity.

Date published: 1 May 2006
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