Here you can search our series of working papers, dating back to 1983. These papers use data from our four cohort studies and cover a wide range of topics, from social inequalities and mobility, to physical health, education and cognitive development. Other papers in the series seek to improve the practice of longitudinal research. At the present time, we are only able to accept papers if at least one author is a member of the CLS research team. Some of the working papers below will subsequently have been published in peer-reviewed journals.
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Christine Such looks at the incidence of home ownership within the NCDS cohort study at age 23. Housing tenure very much reflected socio-economic status, with less than 30% of semi-skilled and unskilled workers being owner-occupiers, compared to 80% of professionals, employers and managers.
84% of those who were home-owners were in their first-time buy, and 94% were paying a mortgage rather than owning outright.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, housing, homeowner, owner-occupier, young adult, marriage, cohabitation.
Tony Ades looks at the characteristics of those surveyed at age 23 in the NCDS cohort study in comparison to the wider population surveyed in the 1981 UK Census.
The specific areas studies are sex, marital status, student status, economic activity and unemployment.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, Census, representativeness, young adult, sex, marital status, student status, economic activity, unemployment.
Christine Such looks at the household and housing characteristics of those surveyed at age 23 in the NCDS cohort study. 36% of respondents had either returned home or continued to live with their parents, whereas 58% had left home and set up on their own. Almost twice as many men as women were living at home with their parents.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, Census, housing, household, young adult, marriage, cohabitation.
Joan Payne looks at the characteristics of those who were self-employed at age 23 in the NCDS cohort study. 6% of those currently in employment at age 23 described themselves as self-employed. The majority worked in the service industries, but sizeable numbers worked in construction, agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Breakdowns are given by social class, SEG, KOS categories and the OPCS 1980 occ. classification system.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, self-employment, young adult, small business, social class, SES.
Dorothy Henderson looks at the characteristics of those who became parents or entered a partnership before the age of 20, comparing their characteristics with those who became parents or entered a partnership at age 20 or later. Just under a third of those who had become parents by age 23 had become parents in their teens.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, young parent, mother, father, teenage mum, one-parent family, young adult.
Dorothy Henderson looks at the characteristics of those who are lone parents at age 23 in the NCDS sample study, analysing in what ways they differ from those who are in two-parent families. 24% of the cohort were bringing up children at this age, of whom 85% were married, 6% cohabiting and 9% lone parents.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, single parent, mother, father, lone parent, one-parent family, young adult.
Richard Ives analyses the qualifications and school-leaving year of the 23-year-old NCDS study members by occupation, socio-economic group, sex and other characteristics.
Keywords: 1958 cohort study, NCDS, qualifications, school leaving, SES, social class.
Ann Bowling looks at the characteristics of those classifying themselves as disabled or suffering from a long-term sickness or infirmity: their educational qualifications, marital status, medical supervision, employment and malaise scores.
keywords: NCDS, 1958 cohort study, disability, infirmity, long-term illness, young adult, caring needs.
Ann Bowling analyses the incidence of smoking among 23-year-olds in the 1981 sweep of the NCDS study sample, comparing the figures with those supplied by the Dept. of Health and Social Security for the wider GB population.
As with the earlier Working Paper looking at drinking, those most likely to smoke were those separated, widowed or divorced.
The paper was revised by Ken Fogelman.
Keywords: NCDS, 1958 cohort, young adults, smoking, cigarette, health behaviour.
Ken Fogelman analyses the drinking behaviour of those aged 23 in the NCDS sample, for comparison with figures provided by the Dept. Of Health and Social Security for the wider British population. Those with the highest consumption were the small number who, despite being only 23, were separated, divorced or widowed.
keywords: 1958 cohort study, drinking, alcohol, young adult.
Ann Bowling’s Working Paper analysed the incidence of accidents between age 16 and age 23 in the NCDS cohort, concluding that those who were more likely to have suffered an accident were those with the most outgoing social life, those with mental health problems (depression for men but not for women) and those who suffered from fits or convulsions.
keywords: 1958 cohort study, accident, mental health, convulsion.