Submissions are invited for contributed papers to be presented at the conference, Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys (MOLS 2006). The conference is sponsored by the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) and the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The contributed papers programme will complement the programme of approximately 20 monograph papers, which have already been chosen following an earlier call for submissions. Preliminary titles of monograph papers are listed on theĀ conference website.
Contributed papers should address important methodological topics in the design, implementation or analysis of longitudinal surveys. The focus is primarily on surveys that involve collecting data from subjects on multiple occasions. The subjects could be individuals, households, businesses or other establishments. Note that the conference is concerned with the methods used by such surveys, not with the substantive findings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Contributed papers may provide a review of research and practice in a particular methodological area or present the findings of new methodological research. Submissions will be screened by the MOLS 2006 scientific committee, who will select papers that address relevant topics and
collectively provide a balanced programme. There is also an opportunity for suitable contributed papers to be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS). Details of the process for submission to JOS will be made available once the conference papers have been chosen.
Submissions should consist of an abstract of approximately 500 words, describing clearly the topic that will be addressed, the material that will be drawn upon and the key messages of the paper. Please include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors. Abstracts should be submitted to by 30 November 2005, preferably as a Word document. Informal enquiries regarding possible submissions can be made to
Authors will be informed whether or not their submission has been accepted by 31 January 2006. Authors of accepted contributed papers will be required to register for the conference and to present their paper orally.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516