Millennium Cohort Study Age 17 Survey: Consultative Conference

17 Nov 2015

Thank you very much for everyone who contributed to the Millennium Cohort Study Age 17 Survey: Consultative Conference, and helped make the event such a success. We received very good feedback across the board and look forward to some positive results being produced as a result.

About the event

Delegates from the scientific community, government departments, members of the third sector and other stakeholders gathered to discuss the proposed content of the data collection instruments at the MCS7 survey.

We sought audience views on the proposals which were presented at the conference. The presentations will be available after the conference on the CLS website by the end of November. We will have open discussion at the conference, which will continue via the CLS website until the end of December 2015.

The Age 17 scientific consultation contains three broad themes, which encapsulate all of the above dimensions:

1.      Activities and daily life

2.      Socio-emotional development

3.      Cognitive development

Conference resources

Conference programme

Introduction and overview of MCS7
Emla Fitzsimons (CLS, UCL Institute of Education)

Activities and Daily Life – An overview
Paul Gregg (University of Bath) and Helen Sweeting (University of Glasgow)

Cognitive development – An overview 
Chris Taylor (University of Cardiff)

SocioEmotional development – An overview 
Louise Arseneault (King’s College London)


Emla Fitzsimons Professor of Economics and Director of the Millennium Cohort Study

Phone: 020 7331 5129

Emla is the Director of the UK Millennium Cohort Study, a longitudinal birth cohort study following children born at the turn of the new century. Her research is focused on the development of human capital throughout the life course, and in particular how experiences and circumstances in early life and childhood affect causally the acquisition of skills later on.

Paul Gregg Professor of Economic and Social Policy, University of Bath

View Paul’s biography on the University of Bath website here.

Helen Sweeting Reader, University of Glasgow

View Helen’s biography on the University of Glasgow website here.

Chris Taylor Professor of Education Policy, University of Cardiff

View Chris’ biography on the University of Cardiff website here.

Louise Arseneault Professor of Developmental Psychology, King's College London

View Louise’s biography on the King’s College London website here.

Contact our Communications Team

Event enquiries

Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer

Phone: 020 7911 5320

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