Students from schools across London engaged in the CLS Summer Course: “Harnessing the power of longitudinal research for policy impact” for 7 weeks in June and July.
Here, they have interpreted and distilled complex data and research findings into visually eye-catching infographics, designed for non-expert audiences.
This particular design was created by Bipasha using findings from a research project looking at the lives of only children.
Chanfreau, J., & Goisis, A. (2022). Patterns of help and care by adult only children and children with siblings. Ageing & Society, 1-24.
Chanfreau J, Barclay K, Keenan K, Goisis A. Sibling group size and BMI over the life course: Evidence from four British cohort studies. Adv Life Course Res. 2022 Sep;53:100493.
Goisis, A., Chanfreau J., Moulton V. and Ploubidis B. G. Only children and cognitive ability in childhood: a cross-cohort analysis over 50 years in the U.K. Population and Development Review, 49(2), 319-349.
IOE London Blog: Only children in the UK are doing just fine
News story: Only children more likely to care for ageing parents, but don’t suffer worse mental health