CLS is seeking input on the first draft questionnaire of the Age 31 Sweep of Next Steps, a longitudinal cohort study following 16,000 people born in England in 1989-1990.
The early 30s has traditionally marked a shift to the next stage of adulthood, when many people settle into their life paths. However, pathways to adulthood have also grown more varied and complex for the Next Steps generation. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the lives of this generation.
We are inviting feedback by Wednesday 9 September 2020, 23:59. The questionnaire is available from the Age 31 Sweep page. Please send feedback by email.
Please note that not all of the content in the first draft questionnaire will be retained as cuts will be necessary to meet the target interview length.
In early 2020 we hosted a consultative conference following an online consultation phase. We were grateful for the wide range of feedback and suggestions.
We are keen to give stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the first draft questionnaire.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516