The latest version of the National Child Development Study: Partnership Histories (1974-2013) has been released at the UK Data Service.
The updated longitudinal dataset contains data, where available, for all NCDS cohort members’ live-in partnerships, lasting one month or more, from age 16 to age 55.
The data is based on responses to questions about partnerships asked at each sweep from the age 33 sweep (1991) onwards.
The dataset includes data on partnership type (cohabitation and/or marriage), start and end dates, duration, outcome and, if relevant, whether divorced and divorce dates.
This second edition of the National Child Development Study: Partnership Histories (1974-2013 updates the first edition, deposited in December 2011, to include the latest NCDS wave, extending coverage to 2013.
The dataset is available to access on the UK Data Service.
Ryan Bradshaw
Senior Communications Officer
Phone: 020 7612 6516