Health data linkage

We have linked a range of NHS administrative health data to the survey data we have collected from our study participants. Researchers can use these linked datasets to answer many different questions about the factors that influence health and how our health interacts with other aspects of our lives.

In this section you can find out which linked health data are currently available by study, read our user guides and follow links to apply for access via the UK Data Service, SAIL Databank in Wales or the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration.

Watch our webinar

National Child Development Study

Hospital Episode Statistics

Read the user guide

Access the data from the UK Data Service (includes outpatient, inpatient, emergency care and critical care data)

Scottish Medical Records

Mortality records

Read the user guide 

Access the data from the UK Data Service


Datasets available via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration

Researchers can access a range of linked health data via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration. Explore the links below to find out more.

Available linked data

More information about accessing the data

1970 British Cohort Study

Hospital Episode Statistics

Read the user guide

Access the data from the UK Data Service
(includes outpatient, inpatient, emergency care and critical care data)

Scottish Medical Records

Mortality records

Read the user guide 

Access the data from the UK Data Service

Datasets available via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration

Researchers can access a range of linked health data via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration. Explore the links below to find out more.

Available linked data

More information about accessing the data

Next Steps

Hospital Episode Statistics

Read the user guide

Access the data from the UK Data Service
(includes outpatient, inpatient, emergency care and critical care data)

Datasets available via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration

Researchers can access a range of linked health data via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration. Explore the links below to find out more.

Available linked data

More information about accessing the data

Millennium Cohort Study

Hospital Episode Statistics

Read the user guide

Access the data from the UK Data Service
(includes outpatient, inpatient, emergency care and critical care data)

Scottish Medical Records

Welsh Health Records

Read the user guide

Access the data from the UK Data Service – currently NHS Patient Episode Database ICD-10 Codes

Access the data from the SAIL Databank (these data include a range of health records for cohort members and also parents)

Hospital of birth

Read the user guide 

Access the data from the UK Data Service

Datasets available via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration

Researchers can access a range of linked health data via the UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration. Explore the links below to find out more.

Available linked data

More information about accessing the data

Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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