This webinar introduced Next Steps (formerly the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England) to both first-time and more experienced users. It focused on the newly-available data from the age 25 survey. Recordings of this webinar can be found below.
Next Steps is a multi-disciplinary study which began in 2004, when the study members were aged 13-14, and followed the lives of around 16,000 people born in England in 1989-90. This study was originally managed by the Department for Education and was transferred to the Centre for Longitudinal Study (CLS) in 2013 with the support from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Now that the study participants have turned 25 we are able to see how their educational choices, family resources and experiences in adolescence have influenced their life chances. The age 25 data includes extensive responses and valuable insights into the cohort members’ lives at this pivotal time. Next Steps’ field of enquiry covers such diverse topics as relationship formation; labour market relations; housing; physical and mental health; income and poverty; family environment; and ethnicity.
The webinar was organised into four separate sessions which covered the following topics:
Introduction to Next Steps
Lisa Calderwood, Principal Investigator of Next Steps and Senior Survey Manager at CLS led this session which gave an overview of the study.
Survey content
Darina Peycheva, Survey Manager for Next Steps at CLS led this session which detailed the content of the Age 25 Survey.
Data, documentation and accessing the data
Sarab Rihal, Data Officer at CLS led this session which gave an overview of the survey data, documentation and how to access the data.
Sample design and weights
Morag Henderson, Co-Investigator for Next Steps at CLS led this session which covered the survey design and weights.
Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer
Phone: 020 7911 5320